
maraviroc (Selzentry)


Classes: HIV, CRAs

Dosing and uses of Selzentry (maraviroc)


Adult dosage forms and strengths


  • 150mg
  • 300mg


HIV-1 Infection

Indicated for combination antiretroviral treatment of CCR5-tropic HIV-1 in patients who have viral replication and HIV-1 strains resistant to multiple antiretroviral agents

With NRTIs, tipranavir/ritonavir, nevirapine, raltegravir, and other drugs that are not potent CYP3A inhibitors or CYP3A4 inducers: 300 mg PO q12hr

Coadministration with strong CYP3A4 inhibitors (with or without potent CYP3A4 inducers): 150 mg PO q12hr

Coadministration with CYP3A inducers including efavirenz (without a strong CYP3A inhibitor): 600 mg PO q12hr


Renal Impairment

CrCl <30 mL/min or hemodialysis

  • Experiencing postural hypotension: 150 mg PO q12hr
  • Concomitantly administraiton with NRTIs and other medications but without concomitant CYP3A inducers or inhibitors: 300 mg PO q12hr; if postural hypotension occurs, reduce dose to 150 mg q12hr
  • With potent CYP3A inducers or inhibitors: Not recommended

CrCl≥30 mL/min

  • Concomitant administration with potent CYP 3A4 inhibitors with or without a CYP3A4 inducer: 150 mg PO q12hr
  • With potent CYP3A4 inducer without CYP3A4 inhibitor: 600 mg PO q12hr
  • With NRTIs and other medications but without concomitant CYP3A inducers or inhibitors: 300 mg PO q12hr


Hepatic Impairment

Mild to moderate impairment: Maraviroc concentrations increased but dose adjustment not recommended; monitor

Moderate impairment and strong CYP 3A4 inhibitor: Use caution; monitor closely for adverse reactions

Severe impairment: Not studied


Pediatric dosage forms and strengths


  • 150mg
  • 300mg


HIV-1 Infection

<16 years: Safety and efficacy not established

>16 years: As in adults; indicated for combination antiretroviral treatment of CCR5-tropic HIV-1 in patients who have viral replication and HIV-1 strains resistant to multiple antiretroviral agents

With NRTIs, tipranavir/ritonavir, nevirapine, raltegravir, and other drugs that are not potent CYP3A4 inhibitors or CYP3A4 inducers: 300 mg PO q12hr

Coadministration with strong CYP3A4 inhibitors (with or without potent CYP3A4 inducers): 150 mg PO q12hr

Coadministration with CYP3A4 inducers including efavirenz (without a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor): 600 mg PO q12hr


Selzentry (maraviroc) adverse (side) effects


Upper respiratory infections (20%)

Arthritis and musculoskeletal S/S (15%)

Cough (13%)

Pyrexia (12%)

Rash (11%)

Fever (13%)



Dizziness (9%)

Appetite disorder (8%)

Herpes infection (8%)

Bronchitis (7%)

Sinusitis (7%)

Constipation (6%)

Apocrine and eccrine gland disorder (5%)

Paresthesia/dysesthesia (5%)

Renal/urinary disorder (3-5%)

Depression (4%)

Disturbed consciousness (4%)

Periph neuropathies (4%)

Pruritus (4%)

Sensory abnormalities (4%)

Folliculitis (3%)

Hypertension (3%)

Lipodystrophy (3%)

Muscle pain (3%)

Influenza (2%)

Pneumonia (2%)

Condyloma acuminata



GI pain



<2% (critical ADRs)


Cardiac disorder


Hepatic cirrhosis

Hepatic failure


C. difficile colitis

Viral meningitis


Septic shock






Black box warnings

Hepatotoxicity reported; may be preceded by systemic allergic reaction (eg, pruritic rash, eosinophilia, elevated IgE)

Immediately evaluate if signs or symptoms of hepatitis or allergic reaction occur




Severe renal impairment or end-stage renal disease (CrCl <30 mL/min) in patients taking potent CYP3A4 inhibitors or inducers



Risks of hepatotoxicity

Risk of immune reconstitution syndrome if used in combination with other antiretroviral drugs

Autoimmune disorders (eg, Graves’ disease, polymyositis, Guillain-Barré syndrome) reported in the setting of immune reconstitution, however, the time to onset is more variable, and can occur many months after initiation of treatment

Do not use in treatment-naïve patients; more likely to experienced virologic failure and developed lamivudine resistance compared to efavirenz

Tropism testing with a highly sensitive tropism assay is required for the appropriate use

Evaluate if signs/symptoms of hepatitis, increase LFTs, or rash develop

Preexisting liver dysfunction or viral hepatitis B or C coinfection

Patient history of increased risk for cardiovascular events

History of postural hypotension or concomitant use of blood pressure lowering medication

Caution in renal and hepatic impairment

Monitor for developing infections

Antiretroviral Pregnancy Registry has been monitor maternal-fetal outcomes of pregnant women; register patients by calling 1-800-258-4263


Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy category: B

Lactation: breastfeeding not recommended in HIV+ mothers


Pregnancy categories

A: Generally acceptable. Controlled studies in pregnant women show no evidence of fetal risk.

B: May be acceptable. Either animal studies show no risk but human studies not available or animal studies showed minor risks and human studies done and showed no risk.

C: Use with caution if benefits outweigh risks. Animal studies show risk and human studies not available or neither animal nor human studies done.

D: Use in LIFE-THREATENING emergencies when no safer drug available. Positive evidence of human fetal risk.

X: Do not use in pregnancy. Risks involved outweigh potential benefits. Safer alternatives exist.

NA: Information not available.


Pharmacology of Selzentry (maraviroc)

Mechanism of action

Selective antagonist of the interaction between human CCR5 and HIV-1 gp120; blocking this interaction prevents CCR5-tropic HIV-1 entry into cells



Bioavailability: 23-33%

Peak plasma time: 0.5-4 hr

Peak plasma concentration: 333 ng/mL (330 mg BID)



Protein bound: 76%

Vd: 194 L



Metabolized by cytochrome P450 system, with CYP3A as major enzyme of metabolism



Half-life: 14-18 hr

Excretion: 76% (feces); 20% (urine)