
phentolamine (Regitine, OraVerse)


Classes: Alpha Blockers, Antihypertensives; Extravasation Antidotes

Dosing and uses of Regitine, OraVerse (phentolamine)


Adult dosage forms and strengths

powder for injection

  • 5mg

injectable solution

  • 0.4mg/1.7mL



Diagnosis: 5 mg IV/Im

Test for pheochromocytoma is positive if decrease SBP >35 mmHg & decrease DBP >25 mmHg


Pheochromocytoma Surgery Use

Treatment of hypertension during pheochromocytoma surgery

5 mg IV/IM 1-2 hr preoperative, repeat if necessary q2-4hr


Extravasation Treatment

Epinephrine or norepinephrine extravastation treatment

Treatment: 5-10 mg in 10 mL NS local injection within 12 hr

Prevention: 10 mg for each liter of IV fluids (pressor effect of NE is unaffected)


Dental Anesthesia Reversal (OraVerse)

Indicated for reversal of soft-tissue anesthesia associated with functional deficits from intraoral local anesthesia containing a vasoconstrictor

Dose based on amount of local anesthetic administered

Administer using same locations and techniques (infiltration or block injection) as local anesthetic

1/2 cartridge local anesthetic: OraVerse 1/2 cartridge (0.2 mg)

1 cartridge local anesthetic: OraVerse 1 cartridge (0.4 mg)

2 cartridges local anesthetic: OraVerse 2 cartridges (0.8 mg)


Hypertensive Crises (Off-label)

Secondary to catecholamine excess: 5-15 mg IV


Other Indications & Uses

Pheochromocytoma diagnosis, HTN in pheochromocytoma surgery, dermal necrosis due to epinephrine/NE extravasation

Off-label: hypertensive crises (pheochromocytoma, other catecholamine excess situations); erectile dysfunction (intracavernous)


Pediatric dosage forms and strengths

powder for injection

  • 5mg

injectable solution

  • 0.4mg/1.7mL


Pheochromocytoma, Diagnosis

0.1-0.2 mg/kg IV/IM, OR 1 mg IV OR 3 mg Im


Pheochromocytoma Surgery Use

Treatment of hypertension during surgery

0.05-0.1 mg/kg/dose OR 1 mg IV/IM 1-2 hr preoperative, repeat q2-4hr until hypertension is controlled; not to exceed 5 mg/dose


Dental Anesthesia Reversal (OraVerse)

Indicated for reversal of soft-tissue anesthesia associated with functional deficits from intraoral local anesthesia containing a vasoconstrictor

<6 years or <15 kg: Safety and efficacy not established

Dose based on amount of local anesthetic administered

Administer using same locations and techniques (infiltration or block injection) as local anesthetic

6-12 years (15-30 kg)

  • For 1/2 cartridge local anesthetic, use OraVerse 1/2 cartridge (0.2 mg)

6-12 years (>30 kg)

  • 1/2 cartridge local anesthetic: OraVerse 1/2 cartridge (0.2 mg)
  • 1 cartridge local anesthetic: OraVerse 1 cartridge (0.4 mg)


Other Information

Extravasation of epinephrine/norepinephrine:0.1-0.2 mg/kg to no more than 10 mg


Geriatric dosage forms and strengths



Diagnosis: 5 mg IV/Im

Test for pheochromocytoma is positive if decrease SBP >35 mmHg & decrease DBP >25 mmHg


Pheochromocytoma surgery use

Treatment of hypertension during pheochromocytoma surgery

5 mg IV/IM 1-2 hr preoperative, repeat if necessary q2-4hr


Extravasation treatment

Epinephrine or norepinephrine extravastation treatment

Treatment: 5-10 mg in 10 mL NS local injection within 12 hr

Prevention: 10 mg for each liter of IV fluids (pressor effect of NE is unaffected)


Dental anesthesia reversal (OraVerse)

Indicated for reversal of soft-tissue anesthesia associated with functional deficits from intraoral local anesthesia containing a vasoconstrictor  

Dose based on amount of local anesthetic administered

Administer using same locations and techniques (infiltration or block injection) as local anesthetic

1/2 cartridge local anesthetic: OraVerse 1/2 cartridge (0.2 mg)

1 cartridge local anesthetic: OraVerse 1 cartridge (0.4 mg)

2 cartridges local anesthetic: OraVerse 2 cartridges (0.8 mg)


Regitine, OraVerse (phentolamine) adverse (side) effects


Nasal congestion (10% )

Post-treatment pain (up to 10% )

Injection site pain (4% to 6% )

Diarrhea (<3% )


Frequency not defined

Cardiac dysrhythmia

Chest pain


Myocardial infarction

CVA - cerebrovascular accident due to cerebral artery occlusion




Hypersensitivity; MI or other CAd



First dose effect may occur, causing a sudden and drastic fall in blood pressure after administering the first dose.

Hypotension/syncope with first few doses or with increase in dose

Minimize by using small first dose at bedtime

Increase dose slowly


Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy category: C

Lactation: not known if excreted in breast milk; not recommended


Pregnancy categories

A: Generally acceptable. Controlled studies in pregnant women show no evidence of fetal risk.

B: May be acceptable. Either animal studies show no risk but human studies not available or animal studies showed minor risks and human studies done and showed no risk.

C: Use with caution if benefits outweigh risks. Animal studies show risk and human studies not available or neither animal nor human studies done.

D: Use in LIFE-THREATENING emergencies when no safer drug available. Positive evidence of human fetal risk.

X: Do not use in pregnancy. Risks involved outweigh potential benefits. Safer alternatives exist.

NA: Information not available.


Pharmacology of Regitine, OraVerse (phentolamine)

Mechanism of action

Has positive inotropic and chronotropic effect on the heart

Blocks alph-adrenergic receptors to briefly antagonize circulating epinephrine and norepinephrine to reduce hypertension caused by alpha effects of the endogenous catecholamines



Half-Life:19 min (IV)

Duration: 30-45 min (IM); 15-30 min (IV)

Excretion: Urine (13%) as unchanged drug

Metabolism: Hepatic

Onset of action: Immediate (IV); 15-20 min (IM)

Peak effect: 10-20 min (OraVerse)



IV Compatibilities

Additive: cibenzoline succinate, dobutamine, verapamiL

Syringe: papaverine

Y-site: amiodarone


IV Preparation

Reconstitute with 1 mL SWI (5 mg/mL solution)


IV/IM Administration

Administer by IV or IM injection

Rapid IV



Store at controlled room temperature