
ketoconazole topical (Nizoral Topical, Extina, Ketozole, Xolegel)


Classes: Antifungals, Topical

Dosing and uses of Nizoral Topical, Extina (ketoconazole topical)


Adult dosage forms and strengths


  • 2%


  • 1%
  • 2%


Seborrheic Dermatitis

Foam: Apply to affected area q12hr for 4 weeks

Cream: Apply q12hr for 4 weeks or until clear

Shampoo: Apply twice weekly for 4 weeks, with at least 3 days between each shampoo


Tinea Versicolor


  • Wet hair, massage into scalp for 1 min, and rinse
  • Repeat, leaving on scalp for 3 additional min
  • Shampoo twice weekly for 4 weeks, allowing 3 days between each shampoo


Tinea Corporis, Tinea Cruris, Tinea Pedis

Cream: Apply qDay for 2 weeks (6 weeks for tinea pedis), covering affected area


Pediatric dosage forms and strengths


  • 2%


  • 1%
  • 2%


Seborrheic Dermatitis

<12 years: Safety and efficacy not established

≥12 years (shampoo): Apply twice weekly for 4 weeks, with at least 3 days between each shampoo

≥12 years (cream/foam): Apply to affected area q12hr x4 weeks


Nizoral Topical, Extina (ketoconazole topical) adverse (side) effects


Irritation, severe




Frequency not defined


  • Hair loss/alopecia
  • Irritation
  • Abnormal hair texture
  • Scalp pustules
  • Dry skin
  • Pruritus
  • Oiliness/dryness of hair and scalp


Postmarketing Reports

Burning sensation


Skin irritation








Discontinue if irritation occurs

Angioedema reported

Formulation contains alcohol; do not expose to flames or smoking following application of the product


Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy category: C

Lactation: Not known if distributed into milk; use caution


Pregnancy categories

A: Generally acceptable. Controlled studies in pregnant women show no evidence of fetal risk.

B: May be acceptable. Either animal studies show no risk but human studies not available or animal studies showed minor risks and human studies done and showed no risk.

C: Use with caution if benefits outweigh risks. Animal studies show risk and human studies not available or neither animal nor human studies done.

D: Use in LIFE-THREATENING emergencies when no safer drug available. Positive evidence of human fetal risk.

X: Do not use in pregnancy. Risks involved outweigh potential benefits. Safer alternatives exist.

NA: Information not available.


Pharmacology of Nizoral Topical, Extina (ketoconazole topical)

Mechanism of action

Fungistatic in action, but may be fungicidal at high concentrations after prolonged incubation or against very susceptible organisms

Alters cellular membranes, resulting in increased membrane permeability, secondary metabolic effects, and growth inhibition


