
acetylcysteine (N-acetylcysteine, Mucomyst)


Classes: Pulmonary, Other

Dosing and uses of N-acetylcysteine, Mucomyst (acetylcysteine)


Adult dosage forms and strengths

nebulizer solution

  • 10%
  • 20%


Pulmonary Disease

Facilitation of expectoration via mucolysis

5-10 mL of 10% or 20% solution by nebulization q6-8hr PRn


Diagnostic Bronchography

1-2 mL of 20% solution or 2-4 mL of 10% solution administered 2-3 times by nebulization or by intratracheal instillation before procedure


Acetaminophen Overdose

See separate drug monograph, acetylcysteine (antidote)


Acute Hepatic Failure (Orphan)

Not FDA-approved for orphan designation

Orphan sponsor

  • Cumberland Pharmaceuticals, Inc, 2525 West End Ave, Suite 950, Nashville, TN 37203


Contrast Agent-Associated Nephrotoxicity (Off-label)


600 mg PO q12hr for 2 days on day before and day of contrast agent administration


Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (Off-label)

1 drop of 10% solution in eye(s) q6-8hr


Dosing Considerations

Direct instillation: 1-2 mL of 10% or 20% solution q1hr PRn

Routine nursing care of patients with tracheotomy: 1-2 mL of 10% or 20% solution q1-4hr by direct instillation into tracheotomy

Instillation into segment of bronchopulmonary tree via small plastic catheter into trachea (under local anesthesia and direct vision): 2-5 mL of 20% solution via syringe connected to catheter

Instillation via percutaneous intratracheal catheter: 1-2 mL of 20% solution or 2-4 mL of 10% solution q1-4hr via syringe connected to catheter



Administer aerosolized bronchodilator 10-15 minutes before administering acetylcysteine via nebulization

Nebulizer solution may also be administered PO


Pediatric dosage forms and strengths

nebulizer solution

  • 10%
  • 20%


Pulmonary Disease

Facilitation of expectoration via mucolysis

1-11 months: 1-2 mL of 20% solution or 2-4 mL of 10% solution by nebulization q6-8hr PRn

1-11 years: 3-5 mL of 20% solution or 6-10 mL of 10% solution by nebulization q6-8hr PRn

>12 years: 5-10 mL of 10% or 20% solution by nebulization q6-8hr PRn


Acetaminophen Overdose

See separate drug monograph, acetylcysteine (antidote)


Ototoxicity Caused by Platinum-Based Chemotherapy (Orphan)

Prevention of ototoxicity caused by platinum-based chemotherapeutic agents used to treat pediatric cancers

Not FDA-approved for orphan indication

Orphan sponsor

  • Galephar Pharmaceutical Research, Inc, Road 198, No. 100 km. 14.7, Juncos Industrial Park, Juncos 00777-3873, Puerto Rico


Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (Off-label)

1 drop of 10% solution in eye(s) q6-8hr


Dosing Considerations

Direct instillation: 1-2 mL of 10% or 20% solution q1hr PRn

Routine nursing care of patients with tracheotomy: 1-2 mL of 10% or 20% solution q1-4hr by direct instillation into tracheotomy

Instillation via percutaneous intratracheal catheter: 1-2 mL of 20% solution or 2-4 mL of 10% solution q1-4hr via syringe connected to catheter


N-acetylcysteine, Mucomyst (acetylcysteine) adverse (side) effects

Frequency not defined




Chest tightness

Disagreeable odor




Increased volume of bronchial secretions

Irritation of tracheal or bronchial tract







Black box warnings

Not for injection



Acute asthma



Volume of bronchial secretions may increase after administration; if cough response is inadequate, consider maintaining airway by mechanical suction if necessary; if airway block arises because of foreign body or local accumulation, clear by endotracheal aspiration, with or without bronchoscopy

Monitor asthmatic patients closely

In most instances, bronchospasm may be treated by prompt administration of bronchodilator via nebulization; if bronchospasm worsens, discontinue therapy immediately

Slight disagreeable odor after administration (temporary)

Face mask may produce sticky film on face after nebulization; remove with water

Under certain conditions, opened bottle may cause slight purple color change as consequence of chemical reaction; this has no effect on drug safety or efficacy

Keratoconjunctivitis: Remove contact lenses; do not coadminister with topical antibiotics


Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy category: B

Lactation: Unknown whether agent is excreted in milk; use with caution


Pregnancy categories

A: Generally acceptable. Controlled studies in pregnant women show no evidence of fetal risk.

B: May be acceptable. Either animal studies show no risk but human studies not available or animal studies showed minor risks and human studies done and showed no risk.

C: Use with caution if benefits outweigh risks. Animal studies show risk and human studies not available or neither animal nor human studies done.

D: Use in LIFE-THREATENING emergencies when no safer drug available. Positive evidence of human fetal risk.

X: Do not use in pregnancy. Risks involved outweigh potential benefits. Safer alternatives exist.

NA: Information not available.


Pharmacology of N-acetylcysteine, Mucomyst (acetylcysteine)

Mechanism of action

Exerts mucolytic activity through sulfhydryl group, which opens up disulfide bonds in mucoproteins and lowers mucous viscosity of pulmonary secretions



Onset: 5-10 min

Peak plasma time: 1-2 hr



Duration: Variable (~1 hr)

Protein bound: 80%



Metabolized in liver



Excretion: Urine (primarily)