
acetylcholine (Miochol E)


Classes: Miotics, Direct-Acting

Dosing and uses of Miochol E (acetylcholine)


Adult dosage forms and strengths

powder for injection

  • 20mg


Miosis During Ocular Surgery

0.5-2 mL of 1% solution intraocular instillation during surgery

Miosis occurs promptly and persists for approximately 10 minutes



Reconstitute vial with 2 mL supplied diluent to obtain 1% solution; use immediately

Instill gently into anterior chamber of eye with suitable atraumatic cannula

May use 2% pilocarpine or 0.25% physostigmine topically immediately after surgery before application of dressing to maintain miosis

For cataract surgery, instill only after delivery of lens


Pediatric dosage forms and strengths

Safety & efficacy not established


Miochol E (acetylcholine) adverse (side) effects

Frequency not defined


  • Corneal edema
  • Corneal clouding
  • Corneal decompensation

Systemic (Rare)

  • Bradycardia
  • Flushing
  • Hypotension
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Sweating




Use reconstituted solution immediately; aqueous solution unstable

Instill gently; forceful jet may rupture the hyaloid, cause vitreous loss, or traumatize/perforate iris

Systemic effects (rare) can cause problems for patients with asthma, acute heart failure, GI spasm, peptic ulcer disease, urinary tract obstruction, acute heart failure, and hyperthyroidism


Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy category: C

Lactation: Excretion in milk unknown; use with caution


Pregnancy categories

A: Generally acceptable. Controlled studies in pregnant women show no evidence of fetal risk.

B: May be acceptable. Either animal studies show no risk but human studies not available or animal studies showed minor risks and human studies done and showed no risk.

C: Use with caution if benefits outweigh risks. Animal studies show risk and human studies not available or neither animal nor human studies done.

D: Use in LIFE-THREATENING emergencies when no safer drug available. Positive evidence of human fetal risk.

X: Do not use in pregnancy. Risks involved outweigh potential benefits. Safer alternatives exist.

NA: Information not available.


Pharmacology of Miochol E (acetylcholine)

Mechanism of action

Direct-acting parasympathomimetic neurotransmitter; causes contraction of sphincter muscles of the iris, which results in miosis and contraction of ciliary muscle and leads to accomodation spasm



Onset of action: Rapid

Duration: 6 hr