
chlordiazepoxide (Librium)


Classes: Antianxiety Agents; Anxiolytics, Benzodiazepines

Dosing and uses of Librium (chlordiazepoxide)


Adult dosage forms and strengths

capsule: Schedule IV

  • 5mg
  • 10mg
  • 25mg



Mild/moderate: 5-10 mg PO q6-8hr

Severe: 20-25 mg PO q6-8hr


Preoperative Apprehension & Anxiety

5-10 mg PO q6-8hr


Acute Alcohol Withdrawal

50-100 mg IV/IM/PO; may repeat PRN after 2-4 hr

Not to exceed 300 mg/day (some clinicians have used doses of 600-800 mg/day)


Geriatric Dosing

Not drug of choice in elderly because of prolonged sedation and increased risk of falls/fractures


  • Lower initial dose: 5 mg PO q6-12hr; adjust gradually based on response and incidence of adverse effects

Dosing considerations

  • Adjust for renal impairment; administer 50% of recommended dose if CrCl <10 mL/min


Dosing Modifications

Renal impairment

  • CrCl <10 mL/min: 50% of recommended dose
  • CrCl >10 mL/min: Dose adjustment not necessary (monitor)

Hepatic impairment

  • Not studied


Pediatric dosage forms and strengths

capsule: Schedule IV

  • 5mg
  • 10mg
  • 25mg



<6 years: Safety and efficacy not established

>6 years: 0.5 mg/kg/day divided PO q6-8hr, OR 5 mg PO q6-12hr; may increase dose to 10 mg PO q8-12hr

>12 years: 25-50 mg IV/IM q6-8hr


Librium (chlordiazepoxide) adverse (side) effects




Memory impairment


Muscle weakness


Decreased libido

Menstrual disorders


Salivation decreased

Increased/decreased appetite

Weight gain/loss

Micturition difficulties









Salivation increased

Sexual dysfunction




Muscle cramps


Nasal congestion




Documented hypersensitivity

Acute alcohol intoxication

Myasthenia gravis (allowable in limited circumstances)

Narrow angle glaucoma (questionable)

Severe respiratory depression

Depressed neuroses, psychotic reactions

IV use in shock, coma, depressed respiration, patients who recently received other respiratory depressants



Patient should be observed for up to 3 hours following administration

Anterograde amnesia associated with treatment

Use caution in renal and hepatic impairment

Use caution in respiratory disease (COPD), sleep apnea, porphyria, open-angle glaucoma (questionable), depression, suicidal ideation, impaired gag reflex

May impair ability to perform hazardous tasks

Paradoxical reactions, including hyperactive or aggressive behavior, reported

Use caution in patients with history of drug abuse or acute alcoholism; tolerance, psychological and physical dependence may occur with prolonged use


Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy category: d

Lactation: Enters breast milk/not recommended


Pregnancy categories

A: Generally acceptable. Controlled studies in pregnant women show no evidence of fetal risk.

B: May be acceptable. Either animal studies show no risk but human studies not available or animal studies showed minor risks and human studies done and showed no risk.

C: Use with caution if benefits outweigh risks. Animal studies show risk and human studies not available or neither animal nor human studies done.

D: Use in LIFE-THREATENING emergencies when no safer drug available. Positive evidence of human fetal risk.

X: Do not use in pregnancy. Risks involved outweigh potential benefits. Safer alternatives exist.

NA: Information not available.


Pharmacology of Librium (chlordiazepoxide)

Mechanism of action

Binds receptors at several sites within the CNS, including the limbic system and reticular formation. Effects may be mediated through the GABA receptor system. Increase in neuronal membrane permeability to chloride ions enhances the inhibitory effects of GABA; the shift in chloride ions causes hyperpolarization (less excitability) and stabilization of the neuronal membrane



Bioavailability: Slow and erratic following IM admin

Onset: 1-5 min (IV)

Duration: 15-60 min (IV)

Plasma peak time: Within 2 hr



Protein bound: 90-98%

Vd: 3.3 L/kg



Metabolites: Demoxepam, desmethylchlordiazepoxide, desmethyldiazepam, oxazepam



Half-life: 6-25 hr (normal liver and renal function); 5-30 hr (end-stage renal disease); 30-63 hr (liver cirrhosis)

Excretion: Urine



IV Incompatibilities

Solution: NS(?)

Y-site: Cefepime


IV Compatibilities

Solution: D5W, Lr

Y-site: Heparin, hydrocortisone Na-succinate, KCl, vitamin B/C


IV Administration

Preferred over IM due to erratic IM absorption

Slow IVP over >1 min: Rapid administration can cause hypotension, slow respiration, bradycardia

Have airway support available until effects of IV administration known

Patient should be observed for up to 3 hr following administration

Monitor respiration q5-15min after use and before each repeated dose