
Dosing and uses of Leucovorin


Adult dosage forms and strengths


  • 5mg
  • 10mg
  • 15mg
  • 25mg

powder for injection

  • 50mg
  • 100mg
  • 200mg
  • 350mg
  • 500mg

injectable solution

  • 10mg/mL


Methotrexate Overdose

1:1 ratio for leucovorin to inadvertent methotrexate overdose, within 1 hr

Initial IV, then may switch to IM q6hr and continue until methotrexate level has fallen below 0.05 micromolar and the renal failure has resolved


High Dose Methotrexate Rescue

10 mg/m² IV q6hr starting 24 hr after methotrexate

May give PO after 1st IV dose


Coadministration with Trimetrexate (Discontinued)

20 mg/m² IV/PO q6hr (for PO, round dose up to next 25 mg increment)

Dose adjustment for both trimetrexate & leucovorin may be necessary if hematologic toxicity occurs


Advanced Colorectal Carcinoma (with 5FU)

Recommended 20 mg/m² IV followed by 425 mg/m² fluorouraciL

Dose reduction treatment pause may be necessary based on hematologic toxicity


Methanol Poisoning

1 mg/kg (50-70 mg adults) IV q4-6hr


Trimethoprim Toxicity

10 mg/m² PO q6hr


Other Indications & Uses

Bone marrow suppression due to folic acid antagonism, megaloblastic anemia


Pediatric dosage forms and strengths


  • 5mg
  • 10mg
  • 15mg
  • 25mg

powder for injection

  • 50mg
  • 100mg
  • 200mg
  • 350mg
  • 500mg

injectable solution

  • 10mg/mL


Methotrexate Overdose

1:1 ratio for leucovorin to inadvertent methotrexate overdose, within 1 hr

Initial IV, then may switch to IM q6hr and continue until methotrexate level has fallen below 0.05 micromolar and the renal failure has resolved


High Dose Methotrexate Rescue

10 mg/m² IV q6hr starting 24 hr after methotrexate

May give PO after 1st IV dose


Trimethoprim Toxicity

10 mg/m² PO q6hr


Leucovorin adverse (side) effects

Frequency not defined






Anaphylactoid reaction



Anaphylactoid reactions




Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia and pernicious anemia



Hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylactoid reactions & urticaria

Risk of severe neurological complications in patients with undiagnosed anemia

Geriatric or debilitated patients receiving cotreatment with fluorouraciL

May increase tosicity of 5-fluorouraciL

May increase treatment failure of sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim therapies

Formulations containing benzyl alcohol not to be used in infants

Thrombocytosis reported during intra-arterial infusion of methotrexate


Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy category: C

Lactation: not known whether distributed in breast milk; use caution


Pregnancy categories

A: Generally acceptable. Controlled studies in pregnant women show no evidence of fetal risk.

B: May be acceptable. Either animal studies show no risk but human studies not available or animal studies showed minor risks and human studies done and showed no risk.

C: Use with caution if benefits outweigh risks. Animal studies show risk and human studies not available or neither animal nor human studies done.

D: Use in LIFE-THREATENING emergencies when no safer drug available. Positive evidence of human fetal risk.

X: Do not use in pregnancy. Risks involved outweigh potential benefits. Safer alternatives exist.

NA: Information not available.


Pharmacology of Leucovorin

Mechanism of action

Serves as a cofactor supplement to counteract folic acid antagonists such as methotrexate; leucovorin is an active metabolite of folic acid

Displaces methotrexate from intracellular binding sites and restores the folate required for DNA/RNA synthesis

In methanol toxicity it serves as a tetrahydrofolate source to help the body eliminate the formic acid resulting from methanol's toxicity



Distribution: all body tissues, predominantly in liver

Metabolism: Rapidly converted to THF derivatives

Excretion: Urine (primarily); feces

Half-life elimination: 4-8hr

Peak plasma time: 2 hr (PO); 10 min (as folate); 1 hr (as tetrahydrofolate)



IV Incompatibilities

Additive: fluorouracil, trimetrexate

Syringe: droperidol, trimetrexate, fluorouraciL

Y-site: amphotericin B cholesteryl sulfate, droperidol, foscarnet, NaHCO3


IV Compatibilities

Solution: compatible w/ most common fluids

Additive: cisplatin, cisplatin w/ floxuridine, floxuridine

Syringe: bleomycin, cisplatin, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, droperidol, fluorouracil, furosemide, heparin, methotrexate, metoclopramide, mitomycin, vinblastine, vincristine

Y-site (partial list): bleomycin, cisplatin, cyclophosphamide, fluorouracil(?), furosemide, heparin, linezolid, methotrexate, metoclopramide, mitomycin


IV Preparation

Reconstitute w/ BWI or SWI of 10 mg/mL or 20 mg/mL (for 350 mg vial)

Available in 10 mg/mL preservative-free solutions

Do not use benzyl alcohol-containing diluents for doses >10 mg/sq.meter

Reconstituted solution is stable for 7 d

Use immediately if reconstituted w/ preservative-free solution


IV/IM Administration

Infusion: not to exceed 160 mg/min