
iopamidol (Isovue, Scanlux)


Classes: Iodinated Contrast Media

Dosing and uses of Isovue, Scanlux (iopamidol)


Adult dosage forms and strengths

Content expressed as organic bound iodine/mL

injectable solution

  • 200mg/mL (41%)
  • 300mg/mL (61%)

intravenous solution

  • 200mg/mL (41%)
  • 250mg/mL (51%)
  • 300mg/mL (61%)
  • 370mg/mL (76%)



Cerebral Arteriography

  • 300 mg/mL: 8-12 mL intra-arterial, may repeat, not to exceed 90 mL

Peripheral Venography

  • 200 mg/mL: 25-150 mL IV per lower extremity; total not to exceed 350 mL

Coronary Arteriography

  • 370 mg/mL: 2-10 mL IV; monitor EKG; not to exceed 200 mL

Coronary Ventriculography

  • 370 mg/mL: 25-50 mL IV; monitor EKG; not to exceed 200 mL

Selective Visceral Arteriography

  • 370 mg/mL: Up to 50 mL IV; not to exceed 225 mL

Selective Visceral Aortography

  • 370 mg/mL: Up to 50 mL IV; not to exceed 225 mL

Peripheral Venography

  • 200 mg/mL: 25-150 mL; not to exceed 350 mL


Computed Tomography

CECT of the Head

  • 250 mg/mL: 130-240 mL IV; not to exceed 240 mL
  • Alternatively, 300 mg/mL: 100-200 mL IV; not to exceed 200 mL
  • Imaging may be done immediately after completing administration

CECT of the Body

  • 250 mg/mL: 130-240 mL IV; not to exceed 240 mL
  • Alternatively, 300 mg/mL: 100-200 mL IV; not to exceed 200 mL
  • Imaging may be done immediately after completing administration



Excretory Urography

  • 250 mg/mL: 50-100 mL IV OR
  • 300 mg/mL: 50 mL IV OR
  • 370 mg/mL: 40 mL IV


Pediatric dosage forms and strengths

Content expressed as iodine/mL

injectable solution

  • 200mg/mL (41%)
  • 300mg/mL (61%)

intravenous solution

  • 200mg/mL (41%)
  • 250mg/mL (51%)
  • 300mg/mL (61%)
  • 370mg/mL (76%)



For 370 mg/mL:

<2 years: 10-15 mL IV, not to exceed 40 mL totaL

2-9 years: 15-30 mL IV, not to exceed 50 mL (2-4 years) or 100 mL (5-9 years)

10-18 years: 20-50 mL IV, not to exceed 125 mL


Computed Tomography

CECT of the Head

  • 250 mg/mL: 1.2-3.6 mL/kg IV; not to exceed 30 g of iodine
  • Alternatively, 300 mg/mL: 1-3 mL/kg IV; not to exceed 30 g of iodine

CECT of the Body

  • 250 mg/mL: 1.2-3.6 mL/kg IV; not to exceed 30 g of iodine OR
  • 300 mg/mL: 1-3 mL/kg IV; not to exceed 30 g of iodine



Excretory Urography

  • 250 mg/mL: 1.2-3.6 mL/kg IV; not to exceed 30 g of iodine OR
  • 300 mg/mL: 1-3 mL/kg IV; not to exceed 30 g of iodine



Black box warnings

Not for intrathecal use



Hypersensitvity to product or components

Intrathecal injection concurrently with intrathecal corticosteroid administration (significant bacterial infection)



Before examination patients should be well hydrated to prevent contrast associated nephropathy

Caution in patients with seizures, thromboembolic diseases including IM and stroke, chronic alcoholism, heart failure, hepatorenal insufficiency, hyperthyroidism, multiple myeloma, pheochromocytoma, renal disease, sickle cell disease

Serious adverse events reported from inadvertent intrathecal administration of iodinated contrast that is not indicated for intrathecal use (Isovue and Isovue Miltipack are not for intrathecal administration)


Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy category: B

Lactation: Excretion into breast milk unknown; not recommended


Pregnancy categories

A: Generally acceptable. Controlled studies in pregnant women show no evidence of fetal risk.

B: May be acceptable. Either animal studies show no risk but human studies not available or animal studies showed minor risks and human studies done and showed no risk.

C: Use with caution if benefits outweigh risks. Animal studies show risk and human studies not available or neither animal nor human studies done.

D: Use in LIFE-THREATENING emergencies when no safer drug available. Positive evidence of human fetal risk.

X: Do not use in pregnancy. Risks involved outweigh potential benefits. Safer alternatives exist.

NA: Information not available.


Pharmacology of Isovue, Scanlux (iopamidol)

Mechanism of action

Radiographic visualization achieved through the opacification of vessels and anatomical structures in the path of flow of the contrast media



Half-life: 2 hr; prolonged in renal impairment

Excretion: Urine (80-90%)