
antihemophilic factor recombinant (Helixate FS, Xyntha, Kogenate FS, NovoEight, Recombinate, Advate, Eloctate, Factor VIII (Recombinant), turoctocog alfa, Obizur, Nuwiq, Adynovate, Kovaltry, Afstyla)


Classes: Hemostatics; Coagulation Factors

Dosing and uses of Helixate FS, Xyntha (antihemophilic factor recombinant)


Adult dosage forms and strengths

injection, lyophilized powder for reconstitution

  • Eloctate
    • 250 IU, 500 IU, 750 IU, 1000 IU, 1500 IU, 2000 IU, 3000 IU
  • Kogenate FS
    • 250 IU, 500 IU, 1000 IU, 2000 IU, 3000 IU
  • Nuwiq
    • 250 IU, 500 IU, 1000 IU, 2000 IU
  • NovoEight
    • 250 IU, 500 IU, 1000 IU, 1500 IU, 2000 IU, 3000 IU
  • Recombinate
    • 220-400 IU, 401-800 IU, 801-1240 IU, 1241-1800 IU, 1801-2400 IU
  • pegylated (Adynovate)
    • 250 IU, 500 IU, 1000 IU, 2000 IU
  • single-chain (Afstyla)
    • 250 IU, 500 IU, 1000 IU, 2000 IU, 3000 IU
  • plasma/albumin free
    • 250 IU, 500 IU, 1000 IU, 2000 IU (Xyntha)
    • 250 IU, 500 IU, 1000 IU, 2000 IU, 3000 IU (Kovaltry)
    • 250 IU, 500 IU, 1000 IU, 1500 IU, 2000 IU, 3000 IU (Advate)
  • porcine sequence (Obizur)
    • 500 IU


Hemophilia A, Congenital

Indicated for prevention and control of bleeding episodes, perioperative management, and routine prophylaxis to prevent or reduce the frequency of bleeding episodes in patients with hemophilia A (congenital Factor VIII deficiency)

Dosage (IU) = Body Weight (kg) × Desired Factor VIII level increase (IU/dL or % normal) × 0.5 (IU/kg per IU/dL)

Bleeding episodes

  • Mild/moderate hemorrhage
    • Eloctate: 20-30 IU/kg IV to achieve factor VIII level of 40% to 60% of normal for the treatment of joint, superficial muscle/no neurovascular compromise (except iliopsoas), deep laceration and renal, superficial soft tissue, or mucous membrane bleeding; repeat q24-48hr until resolved
    • Advate, Helixate FS, Kogenate FS (initial): 10-20 units/kg IV to achieve factor VIII level of 20-40% of normal for the treatment of early hemarthrosis and minor muscle or oral bleed; may repeat dose q12-24hr x1-3 days if evidence of further bleeding
    • Recombinate, Xyntha: A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII level of 20-40% of normal for the treatment of early hemarthrosis, muscle bleeding, or oral bleeding episode; may repeat dose q12-24hr x1-3 days if evidence of further bleeding
    • Nuwiq (mild): A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII activity of 20-40% of normal for superficial muscle or soft tissue and oral bleeds; may repeat dose q12-24hr for at least 1 day, until bleeding episode resolved
    • Adynovate (mild): 10-20/kg IU to achieve factor VIII activity of 20-40% of normal for superficial muscle or soft tissue and minor oral bleeds; may repeat dose q12-24hr for at least 1 day, until bleeding episode resolved
    • Kovaltry (mild): A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII activity of 20-40% of normal for early hemarthrosis, minor muscle bleeding, or oral bleeds; may repeat dose q12-24hr for at least 1 day, until bleeding episode resolved
    • Afstyla (mild): A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII activity of 20-40% of normal for early hemarthrosis, minor muscle bleeding, or oral bleeds; may repeat dose q12-24hr for at least 1 day, until bleeding episode resolved
  • Moderate hemorrhage
    • Advate: 15-30 units/kg IV to achieve factor VIII level of 30-60% of normal for the treatment of moderate bleeding into muscles, bleeding into the oral cavity, definite hemarthroses, and known trauma; may repeat dose q12-24hr x1-3 days if evidence of further bleeding
    • Eloctate: 20-30 IU/kg IV to achieve factor VIII level of 40-60% of normal for the treatment of joint, superficial muscle/no neurovascular compromise (except iliopsoas), deep laceration and renal, superficial soft tissue, or mucous membrane bleeding; repeat q24-48hr until resolved
    • Helixate FS, Kogenate FS (initial): 15-20 units/kg IV to achieve factor VIII level of 30-60% of normal for the treatment of moderate bleeding into muscles, bleeding into the oral cavity, definite hemarthroses, and known trauma; may repeat dose q12-24hr x1-3 days if evidence of further bleeding
    • Recombinate: A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII level of 30-60% of normal for the treatment of more extensive hemarthrosis, muscle bleeding, or hematoma; repeat q12-24hr x3 days or more
    • Xyntha: A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII level of 30-60% of normal for the treatment of hemorrhages into muscles, mild head trauma, and hemorrhages into oral cavity; repeat q12-24hr x3-4 days or until adequate local hemostasis is achieved
    • Nuwiq: A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII activity of 30-60% of normal for hemorrhage into muscles, into oral cavity, hemarthrosis, or known trauma; may repeat dose q12-24hr for at least 3-4 day, until bleeding episode resolved
    • Adynovate: 15-30 IU/kg to achieve factor VIII activity of 30-60% of normal for moderate hemorrhage in oral cavity, definite hemarthroses, and known trauma; may repeat dose q12-24hr until bleeding episode resolved
    • Kovaltry: A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII activity of 30-60% of normal for more extensive hemarthrosis, muscle bleeding or hematoma; may repeat dose q12-24hr for at least 3-4 day, until bleeding episode resolved
    • Afstyla: A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII activity of 30-60% of normal for more extensive hemarthrosis, muscle bleeding or hematoma; may repeat dose q12-24hr for at least 3-4 day, until bleeding episode resolved
  • Severe hemorrhage
    • Advate: 30-50 units/kg IV to achieve factor VIII plasma level of 60-100% of normal for treatment of significant GI bleeding; intracranial, intra-abdominal, or intrathoracic bleeding; CNS bleeding; bleeding in the retropharyngeal or retroperitoneal spaces; or iliopsoas sheath, factures, and head trauma; repeat q8-24hr until bleeding episode resolved
    • Eloctate: 40-50 IU/kg IV to achieve factor VIII level of 80-100% of normal for the treatment of life or limb threatening hemorrhage, iliopsoas and deep muscle with neurovascular injury, and retroperitoneum, intracranial, or GI bleeding; repeat q12-24hr until bleeding resolved (typically 7-10 days)
    • Helixate FS, Kogenate FS: 40-50 units/kg IV to achieve factor VIII level of 80-100% of normal for the treatment of intracranial, intra-abdominal, or intrathoracic bleeding; GI bleeding; CNS bleeding; bleeding in the retroperitoneal or retropharyngeal spaces or iliopsoas sheath; fractures; and head trauma; repeat with 20-25 units/kg q8-12hr until bleeding episode resolved
    • Recombinate: A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII level of 60-100% of normal for the treatment of life-threatening bleeding episodes, such as head injury, throat bleeding, or severe abdominal pain; repeat q8-24hr until bleeding episode resolved
    • Xyntha: A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII level of 60-100% of normal for GI bleeding; intracranial, intra-abdominal, or intrathoracic hemorrhages; and fractures; repeat q8-24hr until bleeding episode resolved
    • Nuwiq: A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII activity of 60-100% of normal for Intracranial, intraabdominal, GI, or intrathoracic bleeds, central nervous system bleeds, bleeding in retropharyngeal spaces or iliopsoas sheath, eyes/retina, fractures or head trauma; may repeat dose 8-24 hr until bleeding risk resolved
    • Adynovate: 30-50 IU/kg to achieve factor VIII activity of 60-100% of normal for severe hemorrhage including GI bleeding, intracranial, intraabdominal or intrathoracic, CNS, bleeding in the retropharyngeal or retroperitoneal spaces or iliopsoas sheath, fractures, head trauma; may repeat dose q8-24hr until bleeding episode resolved
    • Kovaltry: A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII activity of 60-100% of normal for intracranial, intraabdominal, GI, or intrathoracic bleeds, central nervous system bleeds, bleeding in retropharyngeal spaces or iliopsoas sheath, life or limb threatening hemorrhage; may repeat dose 8-24 hr until bleeding risk resolved
    • Afstyla: A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII activity of 60-100% of normal for intracranial, intraabdominal, GI, or intrathoracic bleeds, central nervous system bleeds, bleeding in retropharyngeal spaces or iliopsoas sheath, life or limb threatening hemorrhage; may repeat dose 8-24 hr until bleeding risk resolved

Perioperative management

  • Minor surgery
    • Advate: 30-50 units/kg IV as a single IV bolus infusion beginning within 1 hr of the operation to achieve factor VIII level of 60-100% of normal for minor surgery, including tooth extraction; may repeat dosage q12-24hr as needed to control bleeding (for dental procedures, adjunctive therapy may be considered)
    • Eloctate: 25-40 units/kg IV to achieve factor VIII level of 50-80% of normal for minor surgery, including tooth extraction; may repeat dosage q24hr for at least 1 day until healing is achieved
    • Helixate FS, Kogenate FS: 15-30 units/kg IV to achieve factor VIII level of 30-60% of normal for minor surgery, including tooth extraction; may repeat dosage q12-24hr until bleeding is resolved
    • Recombinate: 60-80 units/kg IV to achieve adequate factor VIII level for minor surgery, including tooth extraction; a single infusion plus oral antifibrinolytic therapy within 1 hr is sufficient in ~70% of cases
    • Xyntha: An IV dose sufficient to achieve Factor VIII activity within 30-60% of normal q12-24hr for 3-4 days or until adequate local hemostasis is achieved; for tooth extraction, a single infusion plus oral antifibrinolytic therapy within 1 hr may be sufficient
    • Nuwiq: An IV dose sufficient to achieve Factor VIII activity within 80-100% of normal pre- and postoperatively; may repeat q24hr for least 1 day until healing is achieved
    • Kovaltry: An IV dose sufficient to achieve Factor VIII activity within 30-60% of normal pre- and postoperatively; may repeat q24hr for least 1 day until healing is achieved
    • Afstyla: An IV dose sufficient to achieve Factor VIII activity within 30-60% of normal pre- and postoperatively; may repeat q24hr for least 1 day until healing is achieved
  • Major surgery
    • Advate: 40-60 units/kg IV preoperatively to achieve factor VIII level of 80-120% of normal pre- and postoperatively for major surgery, including intracranial, intra-abdominal, or intrathoracic surgery, and joint replacement surgery; repeat q8-24hr, depending on the desired level of factor VIII and state of wound healing
    • Eloctate: 40-60 units/kg IV preoperatively to achieve factor VIII level of 80-120% of normal pre- and postoperatively for major surgery, including intracranial, intra-abdominal, and joint replacement surgery; repeat dose of 40-50 units/kg after 8-24hr and then q24hr until adequate wound healing, then continue therapy for at least 7 days to maintain a Factor VIII activity within the target range
    • Helixate FS, Kogenate FS: 50 units/kg IV preoperatively to achieve factor VIII level of 100% of normal perioperatively for major surgery, including tonsillectomy, inguinal herniotomy, synovectomy, total knee replacement, craniotomy, osteosynthesis, trauma; repeat dose q6-12hr to maintain a Factor VIII activity within the target range until healing is complete
    • Recombinate: 80-100 units/kg IV preoperatively and postoperatively for major surgery; repeat dose q8-24hr depending on the state of healing
    • Xyntha: An IV dose sufficient to achieve Factor VIII activity within 60-100% of normal q8-24hr until threat is resolved, or in the case of surgery, until adequate local hemostasis and wound healing are achieved
    • Nuwiq: An IV dose sufficient to achieve Factor VIII activity within 30-60% of normal pre- and postoperatively for major surgery including intracranial, intraabdominal, or joint replacement therapy; may repeat q8-24hr until adequate wound healing, then continue therapy for at least another 7 days to maintain a Factor VIII activity of 30-60% (IU/dL)
    • Kovaltry: An IV dose sufficient to achieve Factor VIII activity within 80-100% of normal pre- and postoperatively for major surgery including intracranial, intraabdominal, intrathoracic, or joint replacement therapy; may repeat q8-24hr until adequate wound healing, then continue therapy for at least another 7 days to maintain a Factor VIII activity of 30-60% (IU/dL)
    • Afstyla: An IV dose sufficient to achieve Factor VIII activity within 80-100% of normal pre- and postoperatively for major surgery including intracranial, intraabdominal, intrathoracic, or joint replacement therapy; may repeat q8-24hr until adequate wound healing, then continue therapy for at least another 7 days to maintain a Factor VIII activity of 30-60% (IU/dL)

Routine prophylaxis dose

  • NovoEight: 20-50 IU/kg IV 3x/week, OR 20-4 IU/kg IV every other day
  • Kogenate FS: 25 IU/kg IV 3x/week
  • Advate: 20-50 IU/kg IV every other day, OR every 3rd day dosing targeted to maintain FVIII trough levels ≥1%
  • Eloctate: 50 IU/kg IV q4days; adjust based on patient response (range: 24-65 IU/kg at 3-5 day intervals)
  • Nuwiq: 30-40 IU/kg IV every other day
  • Adynovate: 40-50 IU/kg IV 2x/week; adjust dose based on clinical response
  • Kovaltry (adults and adolescents): 20-40 IU/kg IV 2-3 x/week
  • Afstyla (adults and adolescents): 20-50 IU/kg IV 2-3 times per week


Hemophilia A, Acquired

Obizur: Porcine sequence product indicated for treatment of bleeding episodes in adults with acquired hemophilia

Initial: 200 units/kg; infuse IV at rate of 1-2 mL/min

Subsequent dosing

  • May repeat q4-12hr
  • Titrate dose and frequency of administration based on factor VIII recovery levels and individual clinical response
  • Maintain the factor VIII activity within the target range; plasma levels of factor VIII should not exceed 200% of normal or 200 units/dL

FVIII level required

  • Minor/moderate, superficial muscle, no neurovascular compromise, and joint: 50-100 U/dL
  • Major, moderate to severe IM bleeding, retroperitoneal, GI, intracranial:
  • -Acute major bleed: 100-200 U/dL
  • -After acute major bleed controlled (if required): 50-100 U/dL

Limitations of use

  • Safety and efficacy not established in patients with a baseline antiporcine factor VIII inhibitor titer >20 BU
  • Not indicated for the treatment of congenital hemophilia A or von Willebrand disease


Dosing Considerations

Advate, Kovaltry, Xyntha: Recombinant, plasma/albumin-free method products

Obizur: Recombinant, porcine sequence product

Nuwiq: B-domain deleted recombinant FVIII derived from a human cell-line, not chemically modified or fused with another protein

The amount of recombinant Factor VIII (in international units [IU]) is specified on each vial for the various products


Pediatric dosage forms and strengths

injection, lyophilized powder for reconstitution

  • Eloctate
    • 250 IU, 500 IU, 750 IU, 1000 IU, 1500 IU, 2000 IU, 3000 IU
  • Kogenate FS
    • 250 IU, 500 IU, 1000 IU, 2000 IU, 3000 IU
  • Nuwiq
    • 250 IU, 500 IU, 1000 IU, 2000 IU
  • NovoEight
    • 250 IU, 500 IU, 1000 IU, 1500 IU, 2000 IU, 3000 IU
  • Recombinate
    • 220-400 IU, 401-800 IU, 801-1240 IU, 1241-1800 IU, 1801-2400 IU
  • pegylated (Adynovate)
    • 250 IU, 500 IU, 1000 IU, 2000 IU
  • single-chain (Afstyla)
    • 250 IU, 500 IU, 1000 IU, 2000 IU, 3000 IU
  • plasma/albumin free
    • 250 IU, 500 IU, 1000 IU, 2000 IU (Xyntha)
    • 250 IU, 500 IU, 1000 IU, 2000 IU, 3000 IU (Kovaltry)
    • 250 IU, 500 IU, 1000 IU, 1500 IU, 2000 IU, 3000 IU (Advate)
  • porcine sequence (Obizur)
    • 500 IU


Hemophilia A, Congenital

Indicated for prevention and control of bleeding episodes, perioperative management, and routine prophylaxis to prevent or reduce the frequency of bleeding episodes in patients with hemophilia A (congenitalFactor VIII deficiency)

Dosage (IU) = Body Weight (kg) × Desired Factor VIII Increase (IU/dL or % normal) × 0.5 (IU/kg per IU/dL)

Bleeding episodes, FVIII level required

  • Mild hemorrhage: 20-40 IU/dL peak (700-1400 IU for 70 kg); begin infusions q12-24hr x 1-3 days until resolved
  • Moderate hemorrhage: 30-60 IU/dL peak (1050-2100 IU for 70 kg); repeat infusions q12-24hr x 3 days or more until resolved
  • Severe/life-threatening hemorrhage: 60-100 IU/dL peak (2100-3500 IU for 70 kg); repeat infusions q8-24hr until resolved

Bleeding episodes (Eloctate)

  • Mild/moderate hemorrhage: 20-30 IU/kg IV; repeat q24-48hr (age <6 yr give q12-24hr) until resolved; 40-60 IU/dL FVIII level required
  • Severe hemorrhage: 40-50 IU/kg IV; repeat q12-24hr (age <6 yr give q8-24hr) until resolved (~7-10 days); 80-100 IU/dL FVIII level required

Bleeding episodes (Nuwiq)

  • Aged 2-17 years
    • Mild hemorrhage: A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII activity of 20-40% of normal for superficial muscle or soft tissue and oral bleeds; may repeat dose q12-24hr for at least 1 day, until bleeding episode resolved
    • Moderate hemorrhage: A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII activity of 30-60% of normal for hemorrhage into muscles, into oral cavity, hemarthrosis, or known trauma; may repeat dose q12-24hr for at least 3-4 day, until bleeding episode resolved
    • Severe hemorrhage: A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII activity of 60-100% of normal for Intracranial, intraabdominal, GI, or intrathoracic bleeds, central nervous system bleeds, bleeding in retropharyngeal spaces or iliopsoas sheath, eyes/retina, fractures or head trauma; may repeat dose 8-24 hr until bleeding risk resolved

Bleeding episodes (Adynovate)

  • Aged ≥12 years
    • Mild hemorrhage: 10-20/kg IU to achieve factor VIII activity of 20-40% of normal for superficial muscle or soft tissue and minor oral bleeds; may repeat dose q12-24hr for at least 1 day, until bleeding episode resolved
    • Moderate hemorrhage: 15-30 IU/kg to achieve factor VIII activity of 30-60% of normal for moderate hemorrhage in oral cavity, definite hemarthroses, and known trauma; may repeat dose q12-24hr until bleeding episode resolved
    • Severe hemorrhage: 30-50 IU/kg to achieve factor VIII activity of 60-100% of normal for severe hemorrhage including GI bleeding, intracranial, intraabdominal or intrathoracic, CNS, bleeding in the retropharyngeal or retroperitoneal spaces or iliopsoas sheath, fractures, head trauma; may repeat dose q8-24hr until bleeding episode resolved

Bleeding episodes (Kovaltry)

  • Aged ≤12 years
    • Mild hemorrhage: A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII activity of 20-40% of normal for early hemarthrosis, minor muscle bleeding, or oral bleeds; may repeat dose q12-24hr for at least 1 day, until bleeding episode resolved
    • Moderate hemorrhage: A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII activity of 30-60% of normal for more extensive hemarthrosis, muscle bleeding or hematoma; may repeat dose q12-24hr for at least 3-4 day, until bleeding episode resolved
    • Severe hemorrhage: A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII activity of 60-100% of normal for intracranial, intraabdominal, GI, or intrathoracic bleeds, central nervous system bleeds, bleeding in retropharyngeal spaces or iliopsoas sheath, life or limb threatening hemorrhage; may repeat dose 8-24 hr until bleeding risk resolved

Bleeding episodes (Afstyla)

  • All ages
    • Mild hemorrhage: A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII activity of 20-40% of normal for early hemarthrosis, minor muscle bleeding, or oral bleeds; may repeat dose q12-24hr for at least 1 day, until bleeding episode resolved
    • Moderate hemorrhage: A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII activity of 30-60% of normal for more extensive hemarthrosis, muscle bleeding or hematoma; may repeat dose q12-24hr for at least 3-4 day, until bleeding episode resolved
    • Severe hemorrhage: A dose sufficient to achieve factor VIII activity of 60-100% of normal for intracranial, intraabdominal, GI, or intrathoracic bleeds, central nervous system bleeds, bleeding in retropharyngeal spaces or iliopsoas sheath, life or limb threatening hemorrhage; may repeat dose 8-24 hr until bleeding risk resolved

Perioperative management, FVIII level required

  • Minor surgery: 60-100 IU/dL peak (2100-3500 IU for 70 kg); single bolus within 1 hr of operation; additional dosing q12-24hr PRN for bleeding
  • Major surgery: 80-100 IU/dL peak (2800-4200 IU for 70 kg) preop and postop; repeat infusion q6-12hr PRN for wound healing

Perioperative management (Eloctate)

  • Minor surgery: 25-40 IU/kg IV; repeat q24hr (age <6 yr q12-24hr) for at least 1 day until healing is achieved; 50-80 IU/dL FVIII level required
  • Major surgery: 40-60 IU/kg IV preop; repeat 40-50 IU/kg after 8-24 hr (age <6 yr q6-24hr), and then qDay until adequate wound healing, then continue for at least 7 days; 80-120 IU/dL FVIII level required

Perioperative management (Nuwiq)

  • Aged 2-17 years
    • Minor surgery: An IV dose sufficient to achieve Factor VIII activity within 80-100% of normal pre- and postoperatively; may repeat q24hr for least 1 day until healing is achieved
    • Major surgery: An IV dose sufficient to achieve Factor VIII activity within 30-60% of normal pre- and postoperatively for major surgery including intracranial, intraabdominal, or joint replacement therapy; may repeat q8-24hr until adequate wound healing, then continue therapy for at least another 7 days to maintain a Factor VIII activity of 30-60% (IU/dL)

Perioperative management (Kovaltry)

  • Aged ≤12 years
    • Minor surgery: An IV dose sufficient to achieve Factor VIII activity within 30-60% of normal pre- and postoperatively; may repeat q24hr for least 1 day until healing is achieved
    • Major surgery: An IV dose sufficient to achieve Factor VIII activity within 80-100% of normal pre- and postoperatively for major surgery including intracranial, intraabdominal, intrathoracic, or joint replacement therapy; may repeat q8-24hr until adequate wound healing, then continue therapy for at least another 7 days to maintain a Factor VIII activity of 30-60% (IU/dL)

Perioperative management (Afstyla)

  • Any age
    • Minor surgery: An IV dose sufficient to achieve Factor VIII activity within 30-60% of normal pre- and postoperatively; may repeat q24hr for least 1 day until healing is achieved
    • Major surgery: An IV dose sufficient to achieve Factor VIII activity within 80-100% of normal pre- and postoperatively for major surgery including intracranial, intraabdominal, intrathoracic, or joint replacement therapy; may repeat q8-24hr until adequate wound healing, then continue therapy for at least another 7 days to maintain a Factor VIII activity of 30-60% (IU/dL)

Routine prophylaxis dose

  • NovoEight (<12 years): 25-60 IU/kg IV 3x/week, OR 25-50 IU/kg IV every other day
  • NovoEight (≥12 years): 20-50 IU/kg IV 3x/week, OR 20-40 IU/kg IV every other day
  • Kogenate FS, Helixate FS: 25 IU/kg IV every other day
  • Advate: 20-50 IU/kg IV every other day
  • Eloctate: 50 IU/kg IV q4days; adjust based on patient response (range: 24-65 IU/kg at 3-5 day intervals); more frequent or higher doses up to 80 IU/kg may be required for children aged <6 years
  • Nuwiq (2-11 years): 30-50 IU/kg IV every other day or 3x/week
  • Nuwiq (12-17 years): 30-40 IU/kg IV every other day
  • Adynovate (≥12 years): 40-50 IU/kg IV 2x/week; adjust dose based on clinical response
  • Kovaltry (children ≤12 years): 25-50 IU/kg IV 2-3 x/week or every other day according to individual requirements
  • Afstyla (<12 years): 30-50 IU/kg IV 2-3 times per week Afstyla (≥12 years): 20-50 IU/kg IV 2-3 times per week


Dosing Considerations

Children have higher factor VIII clearance compared with adults and may require larger or more frequent dosing

Advate, Kovaltry, Xyntha: Recombinant, plasma/albumin free method products

Nuwiq: B-domain deleted recombinant FVIII derived from a human cell-line, not chemically modified or fused with another protein

The amount of recombinant Factor VIII (in international units [IU]) is specified on each vial for the various products


Helixate FS, Xyntha (antihemophilic factor recombinant) adverse (side) effects


Factor VIII inhibitor disorder (31.7%)



Pyrexia (5.9%)

Nausea (1-4.4%)

Dizziness (3.5%)

Headache (3.5%)

Taste disorder (2.7%)

Dyspnea (1.8%)

Hypotension (1%)

Pruritus (1%)

Rash (1%)

Swelling or redness at injection site (1%)


Frequency not defined








Sore throat

Stuffy nose



Joint pain/swelling



Postmarketing Reports

Reports of less than expected or lack of effect following antihemophilic factor VIII infusions which has resulted in unexpected bleeding into target joints and bleeding into new joints, due to formation of activity-neutralizing antibodies in patients previously receiving antihemophilic factor VIII




Hypersensitivity to mouse or hamster protein, or intolerance or allergic reaction to any components



Use serial Factor VIII assays during treatment whenever possible to assure adequate Factor VIII levels are achieved and maintained

Monitor for development of Factor VIII inhibitors

May form antibodies to mouse or hamster protein


Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy category: C

Lactation: excretion in milk unknown; use with caution


Pregnancy categories

A: Generally acceptable. Controlled studies in pregnant women show no evidence of fetal risk.

B: May be acceptable. Either animal studies show no risk but human studies not available or animal studies showed minor risks and human studies done and showed no risk.

C: Use with caution if benefits outweigh risks. Animal studies show risk and human studies not available or neither animal nor human studies done.

D: Use in LIFE-THREATENING emergencies when no safer drug available. Positive evidence of human fetal risk.

X: Do not use in pregnancy. Risks involved outweigh potential benefits. Safer alternatives exist.

NA: Information not available.


Pharmacology of Helixate FS, Xyntha (antihemophilic factor recombinant)

Mechanism of action

Recombinant human antihemophilic factor

Temporarily replaces missing clotting factor VIII which corrects &/or prevents bleeding



Peak plasma concentration: 120±26 IU/dL

AUC: 1534±436 IU•hr/dL

Vd: 0.60±0.15 dL/kg

Half-life: 13-15 hr

Total body clearance: 0.03±0.01 dL/kg/hr


  • Peak plasma concentration: 109 IU/dL
  • AUC: 54.1 IU•hr/dL
  • Vd: 49.5 mL/kg
  • Half-life: 19.7 hr
  • Total body clearance: 2.06 mL/hr/kg


  • Peak plasma concentration: 0.022 IU/mL
  • AUC: 18 IU•hr/dL
  • Vd: 59.8 mL/kg
  • Half-life: 17.1 hr
  • Total body clearance: 3 mL/hr/kg


  • Peak plasma concentration: 91.7-99.7 IU/dL
  • AUC: 1013-1601 IU•hr/dL
  • Vd: 0.63-0.85 dL/kg
  • Half-life: 11.7-14.3 hr
  • Total body clearance: 0.035-0.053 dL/hr/kg



IV Administration

Total dose may be administered over 5-10 min

Maximum IV infusion rate: 10 mL/min; reduce rate or temporarily halt injection if significant increase in pulse rate

Nuwiq: Not to exceed infusion rate of 4 mL/min

Obizur: Infuse at rate of 1-2 mL/min

Kovaltry: Infuse IV over 1-15 minutes

Adapt infusion rate based on patient response



Store under refrigeration 2-8°C (36-46°F); avoid freezing

Use within 3 hr of preparation; discard unused product

Afstyla: use within 4 hr of preparation if stored at room temperature and protected from direct sunlight

Kogenate FS and Helixate FS may be stored at room temp for up to 3 mth; do not return to refrigerator if stored at room temp