
doxapram (Dopram)


Classes: Respiratory Stimulants

Dosing and uses of Dopram (doxapram)


Adult dosage forms and strengths

injectable solution

  • 20mg/mL


COPD Associated with Acute Hypercapnia

1-2 mg/min IV infusion; not to exceed 3 mg/min or 2 hours; monitor arterial blood gases prior to initiation of infusion and at 30 min interval during the infusion to identify possible development of acidosis/CO2 retention


Respiratory Depression Postanesthesia

0.5-1 mg/kg IV injection; repeat at 5-min intervals in patients that show an initial response; not to exceed 2 mg/kg Or

Initial: 5 mg/min IV infusion (with 1 mg/mL solution) until adequate response or adverse effects occur; may reduce to 1-3 mg/min; total IV infusion not to exceed 4 mg/kg


Drug-Induced CNS Depression

Intermittent injection: 1-2 mg/kg IV injection priming dose, repeat in 1-2 hr priming dose; not to exceed 3 g/day; may repeat in 24 hr if necessary Or

IV infusion: 1-2 mg/kg IV injection, repeat in 5 min, if no response, wait 1-2 hr and repeat priming dose; if some stimulation noted, initiate infusion at 1-3 mg/min IV infusion not to exceed 2 hours; suspend infusion if patient begins to awaken; may repeat after a rest of 30-120 minutes, total dose not to exceed 3 g/day


Pediatric dosage forms and strengths

injectable solution

  • 20mg/mL


<12 years

Safety & efficacy not established


>12 years

COPD Associated with Acute Hypercapnia

  • 1-2 mg/min IV infusion; not to exceed 3 mg/min or 2 hours; monitor arterial blood gases prior to initiation of infusion and at 30 min interval during the infusion to identify possible development of acidosis/CO2 retention

Respiratory Depression Postanesthesia

  • 0.5-1 mg/kg IV injection; repeat at 5-min intervals in patients that show an initial response; not to exceed 2 mg/kg OR
  • IV infusion: 1-2 mg/kg IV injection, repeat in 5 min, if no response, wait 1-2 hr and repeat priming dose; if some stimulation noted, initiate infusion at 1-3 mg/min IV infusion not to exceed 2 hours; suspend infusion if patient begins to awaken; may repeat after a rest of 30-120 minutes, total dose not to exceed 3 g/day

Drug-Induced CNS Depression

  • Intermittent injection: 1-2 mg/kg IV injection priming dose, repeat  in 1-2 hr priming dose; not to exceed 3 g/day; may repeat in 24 hr if necessary OR
  • IV infusion: 1-2 mg/kg IV injection, repeat in 5 min, if no response, wait 1-2 hr and repeat priming dose; if some stimulation noted, initiate infusion at 1-3 mg/min IV infusion not to exceed 2 hours; suspend infusion if patient begins to awaken; may repeat after a rest of 30-120 minutes, total dose not to exceed 3 g/day


Dopram (doxapram) adverse (side) effects

Frequency not defined




Pruritus & paresthesia, burning/hot sensation especially in genitalia & perineum


Pupillary dilatation


Involuntary movements

Muscle spasticity, muscle fasciculations, increased deep tendon reflexes, clonus, bilateral Babinski, convulsions



Hyperventilation/ rebound hypoventilation






Variations in heart rate

Lowered T-waves, arrhythmias

Chest pain, tightness in chest

Increase in blood pressure

Stimulation of urinary bladder with spontaneous voiding, urinary retention

Elevation of BUN, albuminuria

Hemolysis (with rapid infusion)

Decrease in Hgb, Hct, or RBC count

Decrease in WBC (pts with leukopenia)





Epilepsy, convulsive disorder

Existing/suspected pulmonary embolism

Mechanical obstruction, muscle paresis, flail chest, pneumothorax, acute bronchial asthma, pulmonary fibrosis

Head injury, CVA, cerebral edema

Disorders of ventilation including mechanical obstruction, neuromuscular blockade, muscle paresis

Cerebral vascular accident, head injury

Significant cardiovascular impairment, uncompensated heart failure, severe coronary artery disease, severe HTN including hypertension associated with hyperthyroidism or pheochromocytoma)



Narrow margin of safety

Do not use concurrently with mechanical ventilation

Contains benzyl alcohol (associated with potentially fatal "Gasping Syndrome" in neonates)

Avoid using same injection site over long period of time & avoid rapid infusion

Concurrency with sympathomimetic or MAOIs

Hepatic/renal impairment

May cause severe CNS stimulation resulting in seizures; anticonvulsants should be available

May cause dysrhythmias; monitor

If sudden hypotension develops discontinue therapy

Use caution in patients with cerebrovascular disease

Use caution in hepatic and renal impairment

Use caution when used concurrently with MAO inhibitors, volatile anesthetics, or sympathomimetics

Avoid extravasation


Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy category: B

Lactation: Excretion in milk unknown; use with caution


Pregnancy categories

A: Generally acceptable. Controlled studies in pregnant women show no evidence of fetal risk.

B: May be acceptable. Either animal studies show no risk but human studies not available or animal studies showed minor risks and human studies done and showed no risk.

C: Use with caution if benefits outweigh risks. Animal studies show risk and human studies not available or neither animal nor human studies done.

D: Use in LIFE-THREATENING emergencies when no safer drug available. Positive evidence of human fetal risk.

X: Do not use in pregnancy. Risks involved outweigh potential benefits. Safer alternatives exist.

NA: Information not available.


Pharmacology of Dopram (doxapram)

Mechanism of action

Produces respiratory stimulation in medulla (which propagates stimulation to other parts of brain & spinal cord) through peripheral carotid chemoreceptors



Onset: 20-40 sec

Duration: 5-12 min (single IV injection)

Peak Plasma Time: 1-2 min

Half-life: 3.4 hr (2.4-4.1 hr)



IV Incompatibilities

Additive: aminophylline, thiopental, sodium bicarbonate, furosemide, minocycline, ticarcillin

Syringe: aminophylline, ascorbic acid, cefoperazone, cefotaxime, cefotetan, cefuroxime, dexamethasone sodium phosphate, diazepam, folic acid, furosemide, hydrocortisone sodium succinate, methylprednisolone sodium succinate, minocycline, thiopental, ticarcillin

Y-site: clindamycin


IV Preparation

Add 250 mg doxapram to 250 mL D5W, D10W or NS to obtain a 1 mg/mL soln

For COPD: add 400 mg doxapram to 180 mL D5W, D10W or NS to a final concentration of 2 mg/mL


IV Administration


  • Initial infusion at 1-2 mg/min; may incr to NMT 3 mg/min
  • No more than 2 hr
  • ABG should be determined before administering doxapram & q30min during 2 hr of infusion
  • Discontinue if ABG show evidence of deterioration


  • If infusing, use 1 mg/mL at an initial rate of 5 mg/min
  • When the desired response is obtained or if adverse effects appear, may be reduce to 1-3 mg/min
  • Do not increase infusion rate in debilitated patients in an attempt to lower pCO2 because of associated increased work in breathing

CNS Depression

  • If infusing, infuse at 1-3 mg/min until patient begins to awaken, but NMT 2 hr
  • May repeat after a 30 min-2 hr rest period, provided max daily dose of 3 g has not been exceeded



Store at 20-25°C