
acetazolamide (Diamox Sequels)


Classes: Anticonvulsants, Other; Antiglaucoma, Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors

Dosing and uses of Diamox Sequels (acetazolamide)


Adult dosage forms and strengths


  • 125mg
  • 250mg

powder for injection

  • 500mg

capsule, extended-release

  • 500mg



Closed-angle (acute congestive) glaucoma

  • 500 mg PO/IV, followed by 125-250 mg PO q4hr
  • Sustained-release: 500 mg PO q12hr

Open-angle (chronic simple) glaucoma

  • 250 mg-1 g PO/IV qDay or divided q6-12hr
  • Sustained-release: 500 mg PO q12hr

Secondary glaucoma

  • 500 mg PO/IV, followed by 125-250 mg PO q4hr
  • Sustained-release: 500 mg PO q12hr


Acute Altitude Sickness

Immediate release: 500-1000 mg/day PO divided q8-12hr

Extended release: 500-1000 mg PO q12-24hr

Dosing considerations

  • Start 24-48 hours before ascent and continue for 48 hours at high altitude or longer, to control symptoms if necessary


Congestive Heart Failure

CHF-associated edema

250-375 mg (5 mg/kg) PO qAm



8-30 mg/kg/day PO qDay or divided q12hr


Drug-induced Edema

250-375 mg PO/IV qDay

Dosing considerations

  • Do not increase dose if edema fails to decrease following an initial response; allow instead kidney recovery by skipping medication for a day; best results obtained when given on alternate days or for 2 days followed by a day of rest



Tablet: 8-30 mg/kg/day PO qDay, OR divided q6-12 hr; not to exceed 30 mg/kg/day or 1 g/day

Extended-release capsule: Not recommended


Dosing Modifications

Renal impairment

  • CrCl 10-50 mL/min: Administer no more frequently than q12hr
  • CrCl <10 mL/min: Ineffective (avoid use)
  • Hemodialysis: 20-50% dialyzable
  • Peritoneal dialysis: Dose adjustment not necessary


Pediatric dosage forms and strengths


  • 125mg
  • 250mg

powder for injection

  • 500mg

capsule, extended-release

  • 500mg



<12 years

  • Safety and efficacy not established

>12 years

  • Tablet: 8-30 mg/kg/day PO qDay or divided q6-12 hr; not to exceed 30 mg/kg/day or 1 g/day
  • Extended-release capsule: Not recommended


Acute Altitude Sickness

<12 years

  • Safety and efficacy not established

>12 years

  • Immediate release: 500-1000 mg/day PO divided q8-12hr
  • Extended release: 500-1000 mg PO q12-24hr

Dosing considerations

  • Start 24-48 hr before ascent and continue for 48 hr at high altitude to control symptoms, if necessary


Geriatric dosage forms and strengths

250 mg PO qDay or q12hr; use lowest effective dose possible


Diamox Sequels (acetazolamide) adverse (side) effects

Frequency not defined




Flaccid paralysis







Metallic taste



Hepatic disease

Aplastic anemia




Thrombocytopenic purpura



Electrolyte imbalance

Muscle weakness




Hearing dysfunction or tinnitus

Sulfonamide type reactions






Hyperchloremic acidosis

Hypersensitivity to acetazolamide or sulfa

Liver disease

Severe renal disease or dysfunction

Long term use in noncongestive angle-closure glaucoma


Long-term administration in patients with chronic, noncongestive angle-closure glaucoma



Use caution in COPD, emphysema, and concomitant high-dose aspirin

Use caution in diabetes, respiratory acidosis, and hepatic impairment

Adverse drug reactions common to sulfonamide derivatives; Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) may occur

May impair alertness and/or physical coordination

FDA-approved product labeling for many medications have included a broad contraindication in patients with a prior allregic reaction to sulfonamides; however, recent studies have suggested that crossreactivity between antibiotic sulfonamides and nonantibiotic sulfonamides is unlikely to occur

May impair alertness and/or physical coordination

Severe adverse effects including tachypnea, anorexia, coma, lethargy, and death reported with high-dose aspirin; use caution or avoid administration

Increasing dose does not increase diuresis; may instead increase the incidence of paresthesia and/or drowsiness

IM administration not recommended due to alkaline pH, which may cause pain


Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy category: C

Lactation: Enters breast milk; not recommended


Pregnancy categories

A: Generally acceptable. Controlled studies in pregnant women show no evidence of fetal risk.

B: May be acceptable. Either animal studies show no risk but human studies not available or animal studies showed minor risks and human studies done and showed no risk.

C: Use with caution if benefits outweigh risks. Animal studies show risk and human studies not available or neither animal nor human studies done.

D: Use in LIFE-THREATENING emergencies when no safer drug available. Positive evidence of human fetal risk.

X: Do not use in pregnancy. Risks involved outweigh potential benefits. Safer alternatives exist.

NA: Information not available.


Pharmacology of Diamox Sequels (acetazolamide)

Mechanism of action

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor that decreases rate of aqueous humor formation, in that way decreasing intraocular pressure

Inhibits H+ ion excretion in renal tubule, increasing sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, and water excretion and producing alkaline diuresis

Inhibits carbonic anhydrase in CNS, which in turn decreases abnormal and excessive discharge from the CNS neurons



Bioavailability: Rapidly absorbed orally


  • Onset: 1-1.5 hr
  • Duration: 8-12 hr
  • Peak plasma time: 1-4 hr


  • Onset: 2 hr
  • Duration: 18-24 hr
  • Peak plasma time: 8-18 hr


  • Onset: 5-10 min
  • Duration: 4-5 hr
  • Peak plasma time: 15 min



Protein bound: 70-90%

Vd: 0.2 L/kg



Metabolism: None



Half-life: 2-4 hr (tablet)

Dialyzable: Yes (hemodialysis)

Excretion: Urine 90%



IV Incompatibilities

Additive: Multivitamins

Y-site: Diltiazem(?), multivitamins


IV Compatibilities

Solution: Compatible with most common solvents

Additive: Cimetidine, ranitidine


IV Preparation

Standard diluent: 500 mg/50 mL D5W

Minimum volume: 50 mL D5W


IV Administration

IV push: 100-500 mg/min

Infusion: 4-8 hr



Store intact vials at room temperature

May store reconstituted solution in refrigerator for 3 days or at room temperature for 12 hr