
dabrafenib (Tafinlar)


Classes: Antineoplastics, Other

Dosing and uses of Taflinar (dabrafenib)


Adult dosage forms and strengths


  • 50mg
  • 75mg



BRAF protein kinase inhibitor indicated as a single agent for unresectable or metastatic melanoma with BRAF V600E mutation, or in combination with trametinib for BRAF V600E or V600K mutations

Single agent: 150 mg PO BID at least 1 hr ac or 2 hr pc

Combination regimen: 150 mg PO BID plus trametinib 2 mg PO qDay


Dosage modifications

Dose reductions for dabrafenib (single agent or in combination with trametinib)

  • First dose reduction: 100 mg PO BID
  • Second dose reduction: 75 mg PO BID
  • Third dose reduction: 50 mg PO BID
  • If unable to tolerate 50 mg BID: Permanently discontinue

Dose reductions for trametinib when administered with dabrafeniB

  • First dose reduction: 1.5 mg PO qDay
  • Second dose reduction: 1 mg PO qDay
  • Subsequent modification: Permanently discontinue if unable to tolerate trametinib 1 mg/day

Febrile drug reaction

  • Fever of 101.3-104°F: Withhold dabrafenib until fever resolves, then resume at same or lower dose; do not modify trametinib
  • Fever >104°F or complicated by rigors, hypotension, dehydration, or renal failure: Withhold trametinib until fever resolves, then resume at same or lower dose; withhold dabrafenib, then resume at same or lower dose (or permanently discontinue)

Cutaneous reactions

  • Intolerable Grade 2 skin toxicity, or Grades 3 or 4:
  • Withhold for up to 3 weeks; if improved, resume at lower dose level
  • If not improved after withholding 3 weeks, permanently discontinue
  • Applies to both trametinib and dabrafenib

Asymptomatic LVEF

  • Asymptomatic, absolute decrease in LVEF ≥10% from baseline, but is below LLN from pretreatment value:
  • Trametinib: Withhold for up to 4 weeks; if improved to normal LVEF value, resume at a lower dose level; if not improved to normal, permanently discontinue
  • Dabrafenib: Do not modify dose

Symptomatic CHF

  • Symptomatic congestive heart failure (absolute decrease in LVEF >20% from baseline that is below LLN:
  • Trametinib: Permanently discontinue
  • Dabrafenib: Withhold, if improved, then resume at the same dose

Uncomplicated DVT or Pe

  • Trametinib: Withhold trametinib for up to 3 weeks; if improved to Grade 0-1, resume at a lower dose level, if not improved, permanently discontinue
  • Dabrafenib: Do not modify dose

Life-threatening Pe

  • Trametinib: Permanently discontinue
  • Dabrafenib: Permanently discontinue


  • Grade 2-3 retinal pigment epithelia detachments (RPED):
  • Trametinib: Withhold for up to 3 weeks; if improved to Grade 0-1, resume at a lower dose level, if not improved, permanently discontinue
  • Dabrafenib: Do not modify dose

Retinal vein occlusion

  • Trametinib: Permanently discontinue
  • Dabrafenib: Do not modify dose

Uveitis and iritis

  • Trametinib: Do not modify dose
  • Dabrafenib: Withhold for up to 6 weeks; if improved to Grade 0-1, resume at same dose, if not improved, permanently discontinue

Pulmonary reactions

  • Interstitial lung disease/pneumonitis
  • Trametinib: Permanently discontinue
  • Dabrafenib: Do not modify dose


  • Applies to both trametinib and dabrafenib
  • Intolerable Grade 2 or any Grade 3 adverse reactions: Withhold for up to 3 weeks; if improved to Grade 0-1, resume at lower dose level, if not improved, permanently discontinue
  • First occurrence of any Grade 4 reaction: Withhold until improves to Grade 0-1, then resume at lower dose level, or permanently discontinue
  • Recurrent Grade 4 reactions: Permanently discontinue


Dosing Considerations

Confirm the presence of BRAF V600E mutation in tumor specimens prior to initiation of treatment with THxID BRAF Kit

Information on FDA-approved tests for the detection of BRAF V600 mutations in melanoma is available at

Not indicated for treatment of patients with wild-type BRAF melanoma


Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (Orphan)

Orphan designation for treatment of patients with BRAF mutation positive non-small cell lung cancer


  • GlaxoSmithKline; 5 Crescent Drive; Phildelphia, PA 19112


Glioma (Orphan)

Orphan designation for treatment of malignant glioma with BRAF V600 mutation


  • Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation; 1 Health Plaza, Bldg 337; East Hanover, New Jersey 07936


Thyroid Cancer (Orphan)

Orphan designation for treatment of anaplastic thyroid cancer and locally advanced or metastatic papillary thyroid cancer with BRAF V600 mutation in combination with trametiniB


  • Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; One Health Plaza; East Hanover, New Jersey 07936


Pediatric dosage forms and strengths

Safety and efficacy not established


Taflinar (dabrafenib) adverse (side) effects

All grade toxicities reported



Hyperglycemia (50%)

Hypophosphatemia (37%)

Hyperkeratosis (37%)

Headache (28%)

Arthralgia (27%)

Papilloma (27%)

Alopecia (22%)

Palmar-planter erythrodysesthesia syndrome (20%)

Increased alkaline phosphatase (19%)

Rash (17%)

Back pain (12%)

Cough (12%)

Myalgia (11%)

Constipation (11%)



Nasopharyngitis (10%)

Hyponatremia (8%)

Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (7%)

Pancreatitis (<10%)

Hypersensitivity manifesting as bullous rash (<10%)

Interstitial nephritis (<10%)







Increases incidence of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, keratoacanthoma, and new incidence melanoma; perform dermatologic evaluations prior to initiation of therapy, every 2 months while on therapy, and for up to 6 months following discontinuation

BRAF inhibitors may cause paradoxical activation of MAP-kinase signaling and increased cell proliferation in BRAF wild-type cells; confirm evidence of BRAF V600E mutation status prior to initiation

Withhold if fever >101.3°F or complicated fever occurs (see Dosage modifications)

Hemorrhage, including major hemorrhages, can occur when used in combination with trametiniB

Venous thromboembolism can occur when used in combination with trametiniB

Hyperglycemia reported; monitor serum glucose levels in patients with pre-existing diabetes or hyperglycemia

Risk of cardiomyopathy when used as a single agent or with trametinib; reassess LVEF after 1 month of treatment and then ~ every 2-3 months thereafter

Uveitis, iritis, and retinal pigment epithelial detachment (RPED) reported; monitor patients routinely for visual symptoms

Risk of serious skin toxicity including rash, dermatitis, acneiform rash, palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia syndrome, and erythema

Contains a sulfonamide moiety which increases the risk of hemolytic anemia in patients with G6PD deficiency

Based on its mechanism of action, dabrafenib can cause fetal harm; advise females of reproductive potential of potential risk to a fetus

Dabrafenib may render hormonal contraceptives less effective and an alternative method of contraception should be used

Concurrent administration of strong inhibitors or inducers of CYP3A4 or CYP2C8; coadministration with substrates of these isoenzymes is not recommended

Drugs that increase gastric pH may decrease dabrafenib concentrations

Dabrafenib inhibits certain CYP isoenzymes; concomitant use with drugs that are sensitive substrates of CYP3A4, CYP2C8, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, or CYP2B6 may result in loss of efficacy of these drugs

Incidence and severity of pyrexia are increased with dabrafenib and trametiniB


Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy category: d

Lactation: Unknown if distributed in human breast milk; a decision should be made whether to discontinue nursing or discontinue the drug, taking into account the importance of the drug to the mother


Pregnancy categories

A: Generally acceptable. Controlled studies in pregnant women show no evidence of fetal risk.

B: May be acceptable. Either animal studies show no risk but human studies not available or animal studies showed minor risks and human studies done and showed no risk.

C: Use with caution if benefits outweigh risks. Animal studies show risk and human studies not available or neither animal nor human studies done.

D: Use in LIFE-THREATENING emergencies when no safer drug available. Positive evidence of human fetal risk.

X: Do not use in pregnancy. Risks involved outweigh potential benefits. Safer alternatives exist.

NA: Information not available.


Pharmacology of Taflinar (dabrafenib)

Mechanism of action

Inhibits some mutated forms of BRAF kinases with in vitro IC50 values of 0.65, 0.5, and 1.84 nM for BRAF V600E, BRAF V600K, and BRAF V600D enzymes, respectively



Bioavailability: 95%

Peak plasma time: 2 hr

High-calorie meal decreased AUC by 31%, Cmax by 51%, and delayed Tmax by 3.6 hr compared with fasted state



Protein Bound: 99.7%

Vd: 70.3 L



Primarily mediated by CYP2C8 and CYP3A4 to form hydroxy-dabrafeniB

Hydroxy-dabrafenib is further oxidized via CYP3A4 to form carboxy-dabrafenib and subsequently excreted in bile and urine

Carboxy-dabrafenib is decarboxylated to form desmethyl-dabrafenib; desmethyl-dabrafenib may be reabsorbed from the gut

Desmethyl-dabrafenib is further metabolized by CYP3A4 to oxidative metabolites



Half-life: 8 hr (parent); 10 hr (hydroxy-dabrafenib); 21-22 hr (carboxy- and desmethyl-dabrafenib)

Clearance: 17 L/hr (single dose); 34.4 L/hr (after 2 wk of BID dosing)

Excretion: 71% feces; 23% urine (as metabolites only)




Take on empty stomach at least 1 hr before or 2 hr after meals

A missed dose can be taken up to 6 hr prior to the next dose

Swallow capsule whole; do not open, chew, crush, or break