
interferon beta 1b (Betaseron, Extavia)


Classes: Multiple Sclerosis Treatments; Immunomodulators

Dosing and uses of Betaseron, Extavia (interferon beta 1b)


Adult dosage forms and strengths

lyophilized powder for injection

  • 0.3mg/vial supplied with diluent for reconstitution


Relapsing/Remitting Multiple Sclerosis, Exacerbations

0.0625 mg SC every other day initially

Gradually increase over 6 wk to 0.25 mg (8 million U; 1 mL) SC every other day: may increase by 0.0625 mg q2wk

Betaconnect injectable devise

  • No cost autoinjector for use only with Betaseron syringes
  • Autoinjector offers customizable injection speed and depth settings
  • Patients should speak to a healthcare provider or nurse before making any changes to injection depth or speed settings
  • Automatic needle insertion and retraction Betaconnect has an optional backup reminder function to alert patient for next injection
  • Device lets patients know when the injection is complete with a visual and audio end-of-dose indication


Non-A/Non-B Hepatitis (Orphan)

Treatment of acute non-A, non-B hepatitis

Orphan indication sponsor

  • Biogen, Inc; 14 Cambridge Center; Cambridge, MA 02142


Dosing Considerations

Monitor Hgb, WBC, Plts, LFTs


Pediatric dosage forms and strengths

lyophilized powder for injection

  • 0.3mg/vial supplied with diluent for reconstitution


Multiple Sclerosis (Off-label)

Safety and efficacy not established

Limited data suggests to titrate as in adults; children 10 years or older typically tolerate full adult doses, although decreased tolerance may occur in younger children

0.0625 mg SC every other day initially

Gradually increase over 6 wk to 0.25 mg (8 million U; 1 mL) SC every other day: may increase by 0.0625 mg q2wk


Betaseron, Extavia (interferon beta 1b) adverse (side) effects


Injection site reaction (85%)

Flu-like syndrome (60%)

Headache (57%)

Myasthenia (46%)

Fever (36%)

Nausea (27%)

Chills (25%)

Constipation (20%)

Abd pain (19%)

Leukopenia (18%)

Chest pain (11%)



Malaise (8%)

Inj site necrosis (5%)

Hypersensitivity (3%)

Lymphopenia (>5%)

Myalgia (>5%)

Neutropenia (>5%)

Increased liver enzymes (>5%)

Hypertonia (>5%)

Pain (>5%)

Rash (>5%)

Insomnia (>5%)

Abdominal pain (>5%)

Asthenia (>5%)



Aggravation of seizure disorders

Abortifacient potentiaL


Postmarketing Reports

Blood and lymphatic system disorders: Anemia, thrombocytopenia

Endocrine disorders: Hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroid dysfunction

Metabolism and nutrition disorders: Triglyceride increased, anorexia, weight decrease, weight increase

Psychiatric disorders: Anxiety, confusion, emotional lability

Nervous system disorders: Convulsion, dizziness, psychotic symptoms

Cardiac disorders: Cardiomyopathy, palpitations, tachycardia

Vascular disorders: Vasodilatation

Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders: Bronchospasm

Gastrointestinal disorders: Diarrhea, nausea, pancreatitis, vomiting

Hepatobiliary disorders: Hepatitis, increased GGt

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders: Alopecia, pruritus, skin discoloration, urticaria

Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders: Arthralgia, lupus erythematosus

Reproductive system and breast disorder: Menorrhagia

General disorders and administration site conditions: Fatal capillary leak syndrome




Hypersensitivity to beta interferons, human albumin or other ingredients



Risk of hepatotoxicity; injection site necrosis; leukopenia; monitor liver function tests and signs and symptoms of hepatic injury; consider discontinuing therapy if serious hepatic injury occurs

Discontinue if anaphylaxis occurs

Do not administer into affected area until fully healed; if multiple lesions occur, discontinue therapy until skin lesions heaL

Advise patients to immediately report any symptom of depression and/or suicidal ideation; consider discontinuing therapy if depression occurs

Abortifacient potentiaL

Flu-like symptoms may occur

Increased risk of infection

Betaseron & Extavia, although dosed similarly, not considered therapeutically equivalent

Monitor patients with CHF for worsening of cardiac symptoms; consider discontinuation of therapy if worsening of CHF occurs

Leukopenia may occur; monitor complete blood count

In addition to laboratory tests normally required for monitoring patients with multiple sclerosis, complete blood and differential white blood cell counts, platelet counts and blood chemistries, including liver function tests, are recommended at regular intervals (one, three, and six months) following introduction of interferon 1b therapy, and periodically thereafter in absence of clinical symptoms

Cases of thrombotic microangiopathy, including thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and hemolytic uremic syndrome, some fatal, reported; some cases have been reported several weeks to years after starting interferon beta products; discontinue therapy if clinical symptoms and laboratory findings consistent with TMA occur, and manage as clinically indicated

Consider analgesics and/or antipyretics on injection days if flu-like symptoms occur

Cases of drug-induced lupus erythematosus have reported;. discontinue therapy if patients develop new characteristic signs and symptoms

Removable rubber cap of the diluent (sodium chloride, 0.54% solution) pre-filled syringe contains natural rubber latex, which may cause allergic reactions and should not be handled by latex-sensitive individuals


Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy category: C

Lactation: not known if excreted in breast milk, do not nurse


Pregnancy categories

A: Generally acceptable. Controlled studies in pregnant women show no evidence of fetal risk.

B: May be acceptable. Either animal studies show no risk but human studies not available or animal studies showed minor risks and human studies done and showed no risk.

C: Use with caution if benefits outweigh risks. Animal studies show risk and human studies not available or neither animal nor human studies done.

D: Use in LIFE-THREATENING emergencies when no safer drug available. Positive evidence of human fetal risk.

X: Do not use in pregnancy. Risks involved outweigh potential benefits. Safer alternatives exist.

NA: Information not available.


Pharmacology of Betaseron, Extavia (interferon beta 1b)

Mechanism of action

Recombinant interferon; antiviral, antiproliferative, immunoregulatory protein; alters response to surface antigen and may inhance immune cell activities



Peak plasma time: 1-8 hr

Concentration: 40 IU/mL

Half-Life: 8 min - 4.3 hr

Onset: 6-12 hr

Bioavailability: 50%

Vd: 0.25-2.88 L/kg

Clearance: 9.4-28.9 mL/min




Reconstitute with 1.2 mL of 0.54% NaCl diluent (provided); the removable diluent cap contains natural rubber latex

Rotate SC injection site between upper outer arm, thight, and abdomen

See prescribing information for detailed instructions for preparation