
anastrozole (Arimidex)


Classes: Antineoplastics, Aromatase Inhibitor

Dosing and uses of Arimidex (anastrozole)


Adult dosage forms and strengths


  • 1mg


Breast Cancer

Postmenopausal women


  • 1 mg PO once daily; continue until tumor progression


  • Adjuvant treatment: 1 mg PO qDay; optimal duration unknown; 5 years in clinical trials



May be taken with or without food


Hepatic Impairment

Mild-to-moderate impairment or stable hepatic cirrhosis: Dose adjustment not necessary

Severe hepatic impairment: Not studied


Pediatric dosage forms and strengths

Use not recommended


Arimidex (anastrozole) adverse (side) effects


Hot flashes (12-36%)

Vasodilation (25-36%)

Fatigue (19%)

Mood disturbances (19%)

Nausea and vomiting (19%)

Weakness (16-19%)

Arthritis (17%)

Pain (17%)

Arthralgia (2-15%)

Pharyngitis (14%)

Depression (13%)

Hypertension (2-13%)

Bone pain (11%)

Increased cough (11%)

Osteoporosis (11%)

Rash (8-11%)



Accidental injury (10%)

Back pain (10%)

Fracture (10%)

Headache (10%)

Insomnia (10%)

Peripheral edema (10%)

Dyspnea (8-10%)

Abdominal pain (9%)

Infection (9%)

Lymphedema (9%)

Diarrhea (8-9%)

Constipation (7-9%)

Breast pain (8%)

Dizziness (8%)

Urinary tract infection (8%)

Chest pain (7%)

Dyspepsia (7%)

Paresthesia (5-7%)

Anxiety (6%)

Cataracts (6%)

Flu syndrome (6%)

Sinusitis (6%)

Vulvovaginitis (6%)

Xerostomia (6%)

Breast neoplasm (5%)

Bronchitis (5%)

Cyst (5%)

Diaphoresis (5%)

Neoplasm (5%)

Vaginal bleeding (5%)

Fractures of spine, hip, or wrist (4%)

Ischemic cardiovascular disease (4%)

Vaginal hemorrhage (4%)

Vaginitis (4%)

Leukorrhea (3-4%)

Deep vein thrombosis (2%)

Endometrial cancer (intact uterus at baseline) (2%)

Ischemic cerebrovascular event (2%)

Weight gain (2%)

Lethargy (1%)


Postmarketing Reports

Hepatitis; increased alkaline phosphatase, aminotransferases, gamma-glutamyl transferase, and bilirubin

Allergic reactions, including angioedema, urticaria, and anaphylaxis

Rash, including mucocutaneous disorders (eg, erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome)

Myalgia, trigger finger, and hypercalcemia (with or without increase in parathyroid hormone)





May cause fetal harm or loss; use is contraindicated in women who are or may become pregnant



Increased incidence of ischemic cardiovascular events in women with preexisting ischemic heart disease; use only if benefits greatly outweigh risks

Decreases lumbar spine and total hip bone mineral density; increased risk of fractures and osteoporosis

Elevated serum cholesterol reported; monitor closely

Affords no clinical benefit to premenopausal women with breast cancer

Increased risk of ischemic cardiovascular events in patients with pre-existing ischemic cardiac disease


Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy category: X

Lactation: Unknown whether drug is excreted in milk; not recommended given potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants


Pregnancy categories

A: Generally acceptable. Controlled studies in pregnant women show no evidence of fetal risk.

B: May be acceptable. Either animal studies show no risk but human studies not available or animal studies showed minor risks and human studies done and showed no risk.

C: Use with caution if benefits outweigh risks. Animal studies show risk and human studies not available or neither animal nor human studies done.

D: Use in LIFE-THREATENING emergencies when no safer drug available. Positive evidence of human fetal risk.

X: Do not use in pregnancy. Risks involved outweigh potential benefits. Safer alternatives exist.

NA: Information not available.


Pharmacology of Arimidex (anastrozole)

Mechanism of action

Selective nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor; prevents conversion of androstenedione to estrone and estradiol in peripheral tissues, thereby significantly lowering serum estradiol concentrations; has no effect on adrenal corticosteroids or aldosterone



Peak plasma concentration: 2 hr without food; 5 hr with food

Onset: 24 hr (70% reduction); 2 weeks (80% reduction)

Time to steady-state levels: 7 days



Protein bound: 40%



Metabolized in liver via N-dealkylation, hydroxylation, and glucuronidation (85%)

Metabolite: Triazole (inactive)

Enzymes inhibited: CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP3A4 (at high concentrations; inhibition not significant at usual dose)



Half-life: 50 hr

Dialyzable: Yes

Excretion: Urine (10%)