Analgesic/Decongestant Combos
Analgesic/Decongestant Combos
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/phenylephrine
- acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/pseudoephedrine
- acetaminophen/phenylephrine
- acetaminophen/pseudoephedrine
- Advil Cold and Sinus
- Advil Congestion Relief
- Aleve-D Sinus & Headache
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Non-Drowsy
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Day Cold
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Day Severe Cold, Cough & Flu
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Day Sinus Congestion, Allergy & Cough
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Severe Sinus Congestion & Cough
- Allerest Allergy and Sinus Relief
- Children's Tylenol Cold Daytime
- Excedrin Sinus Headache
- Genatap Sinus Maximum Strength
- ibuprofen/phenylephrine
- ibuprofen/pseudoephedrine
- Mapap Sinus Maximum Strength
- Medi-Synal
- naproxen/pseudoephedrine
- Omex
- Oranyl Plus
- QlearQuil Daytime Sinus & Congestion Relief
- Robitussin Peak Cold Nasal Relief
- Sine-Off Non-Drowsy Maximum Strength Tablets
- Sinus-Relief
- Sinutab Sinus Maximum Strength Tablets
- Sudafed PE Sinus Headache
- Theraflu Daytime Severe Cold & Cough
- Tylenol Cold Day Non-Drowsy
- Tylenol Cold Daytime
- Tylenol Cold Head Congestion Daytime
- Tylenol Cold Multi-Symptom Daytime
- Tylenol Flu Non-Drowsy Maximum Strength
- Tylenol Infants Drops Plus Cold
- Tylenol Sinus Congestion & Pain Daytime
- Tylenol Sinus Daytime
- Vicks DayQuil Cold/Flu
- Vicks DayQuil Sinus