
activated charcoal (Actidose-Aqua, charcoal (activated), CharcoalAid, Insta-Char, Liqui-Char, Superchar)


Classes: Antidotes, Other

Dosing and uses of Actidose-Aqua, charcoal (activated) (activated charcoal)


Adult dosage forms and strengths


  • 250mg


  • 260mg


  • 208 mg/mL


  • 25g
  • 50g

pellets for suspension

  • 25mg


Overdose, Poisoning

1 g/kg, 25-100 g PO

Alternatively 10 g charcoal/1 g drug ratio

Minimum dose = 25 g

Commonly used with sorbitol 25 g; multiple dose regimen 25 g PO q2hr or 50 g q4hr without sorbitoL

DO NOT give sorbitol after first dose due to risk for severe diarrhea; use aqueous solution

Dose cathartic once daily if used

Shake vigorously prior to use

Administer in closed container with straw; may place on ice to improve taste; mix 1:3 soda for pediatrics

Multiple doses used with dapsone, carbamazepine, digitoxin and digoxin, phenobarbital, theophylline, meprobamate, quinine


Pediatric dosage forms and strengths


  • 250mg


  • 260mg


  • 208 mg/mL


  • 25g
  • 50g

pellets for suspension

  • 25mg



Aqueous suspension

  • Infants: 1 g/kg/ dose PO; may repeat q4-6hr
  • Children: 1-2 g/kg/dose (or 25-50 g/dose) PO; may repeat q4-6hr
  • Adolescents: 5-10 times the estimated weight of drug/chemical ingested (or 50-100 g/dose) PO; may repeat q4-6hr

Sorbitol suspension

  • Infants and children: Not indicated; due to risk for severe diarrhea associated with sorbitol suspension, the aqueous formulation is recommended
  • Adolescents: 50 g as a single dose PO; not recommended for multiple dosage regimens (use aqueous solutions for repeat dosing)


Actidose-Aqua, charcoal (activated) (activated charcoal) adverse (side) effects

Frequency not defined


  • Black stool
  • Constipation


  • Slowing of intestinal tract
  • Blocking of intestinal tract
  • Regurgitation into the lungs
  • Dehydration




Intestinal obstruction

Unprotected airway (aspiration may occur)

Caustic ingestions



Vomiting may occur

Caution in patients with decreased peristalsis

Ipecac may decrease effectiveness of activated charcoaL

Sorbitol or other cathartics may increase risk of significant electrolyte abnormalities

Capsules or tablets not recommended for treatment of poisoning

Product containing sorbitol not for use in patients with fructose intolerance

Note: not effective with alcohols, caustics (contraindicated), iron, lithium, heavy metals, mineral acids


Pharmacology of Actidose-Aqua, charcoal (activated) (activated charcoal)

Mechanism of action

Adsorbs a variety of drugs and chemicals (eg, physical binding of a molecule to the surface of charcoal particles); desorbtion of bound particals may occur unless the ratio of charcoal to toxin is extremely high



Absorption: None

Metabolism: None

Excretion: Unchanged in feces