Eye Diseases and Conditions
Picture of Uveitis

Uveitis (pronounced you-vee-EYE-tis) involves all inflammatory processes of the middle layers of the eye, also called the uveal tract or uvea. The uvea is very important because its many veins and arteries transport blood to the parts of the eye that are critical for vision. Symptoms of uveitis may include eye redness and irritation, blurred vision, eye pain, increased sensitivity to light, and floating spots. Potential causes include infection with a virus, fungus, bacteria or parasite, inflammatory disease affecting other parts of the body, or injury to the eye. Because uveitis is serious, treatment needs to begin right away. For uveitis not caused by an infection, your ophthalmologist may prescribe eye drops containing steroids to reduce swelling and drugs to relieve pain. Antibiotics are used in patients with infectious uveitis. Dark glasses will help with light sensitivity.
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Image Source: Image reprinted with permission from eMedicine.com, 2009
Text: MedicineNet - Uveitis (Inflammation of the Eye)