
Zithromax vs. Biaxin

What Are Possible Side Effects of Zithromax?

Common side effects of Zithromax include:

What Are Possible Side Effects of Biaxin?

Common side effects of Biaxin include:

  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • upset stomach,
  • diarrhea,
  • unusual or unpleasant taste in your mouth,
  • indigestion,
  • abdominal pain,
  • headache,
  • tooth discoloration,
  • itching or rash, or
  • vaginal itching or discharge.

Tell your doctor if you have severe liver symptoms including:

  • low fever,
  • itching,
  • upper stomach pain,
  • loss of appetite,
  • dark urine,
  • clay colored stools, or
  • yellowing the skin or eyes (jaundice).

What is Zithromax?

Zithromax Z-PAK (azithromycin) is a semi-synthetic macrolide antibiotic used for treating:

Zithromax is also effective against several sexually transmitted infectious diseases (STDs) such as nongonococcal urethritis and cervicitis. Zithromax is available in generic form.

What is Biaxin?

Biaxin (clarithromycin) is a macrolide antibiotic prescribed for certain bacterial infections including skin and middle ear infections, tonsillitis, throat infections, laryngitis, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. Biaxin is available in generic form.

What Drugs Interact With Zithromax?

Zithromax may interact with blood thinners, cyclosporine, other antibiotics, theophylline, cholesterol-lowering medicines, heart medications, HIV medicines, sedatives or seizure medicines.

Zithromax may also interact with arsenic trioxide, pimozide, tacrolimus, antidepressants, anti-malaria medications, ergot medicines, blood pressure medications, medicine to prevent or treat nausea and vomiting, medicines to treat psychiatric disorders, migraine headache medicines, narcotics, or tranquilizers.

What Drugs Interact With Biaxin?

Biaxin may interact with blood thinners, cyclosporine, other antibiotics, theophylline, cholesterol-lowering medicines, heart medications, HIV medicines, sedatives or seizure medicines.

Biaxin may also interact with colchicine, itraconazole, omeprazole, ranitidine, bismuth citrate, sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil, tolterodine, steroids, or insulin or oral diabetes medications.

How Should Zithromax Be Taken?

A typical oral dose of Zithromax consists of 500 mg for 1 day then 250 mg for 4 days. A typical intravenous dose consists of 500 mg for 2 days followed by 500 mg orally daily for an additional 5-8 days.

How Should Biaxin Be Taken?

Biaxin adult dose is 250mg to 500mg twice daily or 1000mg once daily (extended release) and dosage in children is based on the weight.


All drug information provided on is sourced directly from drug monographs published by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Any drug information published on regarding general drug information, drug side effects, drug usage, dosage, and more are sourced from the original drug documentation found in its FDA drug monograph.

Drug information found in the drug comparisons published on is primarily sourced from the FDA drug information. The drug comparison information found in this article does not contain any data from clinical trials with human participants or animals performed by any of the drug manufacturers comparing the drugs.

The drug comparisons information provided does not cover every potential use, warning, drug interaction, side effect, or adverse or allergic reaction. assumes no responsibility for any healthcare administered to a person based on the information found on this site.

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Any missing drug warnings or information does not in any way guarantee the safety, effectiveness, or the lack of adverse effects of any drug. The drug information provided is intended for reference only and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice.

If you have specific questions regarding a drug’s safety, side effects, usage, warnings, etc., you should contact your doctor or pharmacist, or refer to the individual drug monograph details found on the or websites for more information.

You may also report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA by visiting the FDA MedWatch website or calling 1-800-FDA-1088.