Quizzes A-Z Listing

True or false: Greasy foods really do cause acne!
Take the quiz to find out once and for all!

What is your ADHD IQ? Test your knowledge of ADHD causes, symptoms and treatments.

ADHD In Adults
Could you have adult ADHD? Take the quiz and learn what symptoms to look for!

What can long-term heavy alcohol consumption cause? Take the quiz to find out!

Allergies (Allergy)
Causes, types and symptoms: See how much you know about skin, food and pet allergies.

Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's is a mysterious condition.
Take this quiz to test your knowledge of this debilitating disease.

Ankylosing Spondylitis
Who is most likely to develop ankylosing spondylitis? Men or Women?
Take this quiz to find out!

Are smokers more likely to develop appendicitis?
Find out with this quiz.

Who struggles more with asthma, those over 40 or under?
Get to know asthma with this quiz!

Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib)
Atrial fibrillation puts people at risk for which serious condition?
Take the A-Fib Quiz to find out!

Autism Spectrum Disorder
Who was once to blame for autistic children?
You've got to take the quiz to find out!

Babies: Baby's First Year
What does the first year of life hold for a bundle of joy? Test your newborn IQ right here!

Back Pain
What is the only ailment more common than back pain?
Test your back pain IQ right here!

Beauty Habits, Skin Care, and Make-up
Get your best-looking skin and beauty tips with this quiz!

Bed Bugs
They're on the rise! Don't let the bed bug infestation bite your IQ.

Belly Fat
Can skinny people have hidden belly fat? Get the truth with this quiz!

Belly Fat Foods: The Best and the Worst
How many calories are in a pound of fat?
Take this quiz to find out!

Binge Eating Disorder
What are habits of people with binge eating disorder?
Take this quiz to find out!

Bipolar Disorder (Mania)
Bipolar disorder is what type of disorder? Find out the truth with this quiz!

Birth Control
Which birth control is right for you?
Take this quiz to find out!

Blood and Bleeding Disorders
Could a blood disease or bleeding disorder happen to you? Find out with this quiz!

Blood Basics
Get surprising facts about the blood in your veins!
Take the Quiz!

Breast Cancer
Quiz yourself about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, risk factors, and treatment of breast cancer.

Bronchitis, as we know it, has another common name.
What is it? Take the quiz for the answer!

What is the most common cancer in the world?
Find out with this quiz!

Carpal Tunnel
Does heavy typing cause carpal tunnel syndrome?
Learn the truth with this quiz!

What are cataracts and who is at-risk?

Celiac Disease (Celiac Sprue)
What is the standard of treatment for celiac disease?
Find out with this quiz!

Chest Pain
Can stress cause chest pain?
Take this quiz to find out!

Chickenpox (Varicella)
True or False: Children with chickenpox should be seen by a doctor. Take the Chickenpox Quiz to find out!

Childhood Overweight & Obesity
Could childhood overweight and obesity be caused by the size of a child's bones? Take the Childhood Overweight & Obesity Quiz!

Cholesterol (High Cholesterol, Hyperlipidemia)
What diseases and conditions are related to high cholesterol?
Take the quiz to learn what you can do to manage hyperlipidemia.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Is chronic fatigue syndrome real? Or is it all in your head? Or both?
Take the CFS quiz and find out for sure!

Cold & Flu
What is the difference between a cold and the flu (influenza)?
Find out with this quiz!

Colorectal (Colon) Cancer Quiz
Does colon cancer spread?
Take the quiz!

Common Cold
What popular cold treatment gets mixed reviews?
Test your knowledge of the common cold!

What are the signs of a concussion?
Test your knowledge of the concussion!

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
How long does it take to experience COPD symptoms?
Test your knowledge of COPD.

Coronavirus (Wuhan COVID-19)
What are symptoms of coronavirus? Take the quiz to protect yourself!

Coronavirus Prevention Tips
Why should you wear a mask? Take this quiz to learn how to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Crohn's Disease
Is Crohn's disease caused by a gluten allergy?
Test your knowledge of Crohn's disease.

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and Pulmonary Embolism (PE) Quiz
Where in the body do these two conditions occur?
Take the quiz and test your knowledge!

Dental (Oral) Health
Put your money where your mouth is! Take the Dental Health quiz!

Test your knowledge on this common but treatable condition.

What kind of disease is diabetes? Take the quiz to know for sure!

Diabetic Neuropathy
What does it mean to have diabetic neuropathy? Take the quiz and learn!

Dry Eye
Could you have dry eye disease?
Take the Dry Eye Quiz to find out!

Dry Skin
Could a disease be causing your itchy, dry skin?
Take the Dry Skin Quiz to find out why you're so itchy and dry!

Dupuytren's Contracture
What is Dupuytren's Contracture and how is it treated?
Take the Dupuytren's Contracture Quiz to find out!

Ear Health
Learn about your ears!

Ear Infection (Otitis Media)
You'd be surprised to know what causes ear infections!

Early Pregnancy Symptoms
Are you pregnant? Test your symptom familiarity.

Eczema (Atopic Eczema, Dermatitis)
How does eczema differ in babies, kids, and adults?
Test your eczema IQ with this quiz!

What is the main symptom of endometriosis? Find out with this quiz!

Enlarged Prostate (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)
What are the symptoms of an enlarged prostate?
Find out with this quiz!

Epilepsy (Seizure Disorder)
True or false: If you have a seizure, you have epilepsy. Take the quiz and find out!

Erectile Dysfunction (ED, Impotence)
What are the causes of erectile dysfunction? Take the quiz to find out.

Exercise and Fitness
Take our Exercise and Fitness Quiz to separate the myths from the facts when it comes to muscle and fat.

Eyes and Eye Conditions
What do you know about your eyes? Take the quiz to find out!

Feet Facts
What are the worst possible shoes for your feet? Take the Feet Facts Quiz learn little-known facts about your feet!

Fibromyalgia (Fibrositis)
By now you know the word "fibromyalgia." What's behind this very real condition?

Food & Drink: Alcohol (Alcoholism) and Drinking
Think you know alcohol? What is dipsophobia? Test your knowledge of what you know (and don't know) about alcohol!

Food & Drink: Caffeine (Caffeine Addiction)
This quiz reveals the shocking, real truth about caffeine. Take the quiz!

Food & Drink: Diet & Nutrition
Do you know the difference between a portion and a serving? Test your diet IQ.

Food & Drink: Drinks & Beverages
Soda drinkers! How many calories would you save every day by drinking water instead? Take this quick quiz now to find out!

Food & Drink: Fat & Fats
It's in our food. It's in our blood. It's all over some of us! Test your fat IQ!

Food & Drink: Food Poisoning
Are food poisoning and stomach flu the same thing? Take the quiz to find out!

Food & Drink: Portion Distortion
See if you know how today's portions compare to the portions available 20 years ago.

Food & Drink: Salt & Sodium
What is the difference between kosher, sea, and table salt?
Check your salt and sodium IQ with this quiz!

Food & Drink: Sugar and Sweeteners
If you thought you knew sugar and artificial sweeteners, you may be in for a sweet surprise. Quiz yourself right here!

Food & Drink: Summer Food Safety
You should wash your meats before cooking them, right?
Maybe not. Take the Summer Food Safety Quiz to find out!

Food & Drink: Superfoods
See if you know which foods are super healthy.

Food & Drink: Benefits of Tea
Find out why tea may be good for your health!

What are risk factors for gallstones? Take the quiz to find out!

Genital Herpes
Is genital herpes really as scary as it seems? Take the quiz now!

GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
What are some foods to avoid if you have GERD?
Take the quiz to find out!

What causes gout flares? Challenge your knowledge of gout with this quiz!

Grief: Loss, Mourning, Bereavement
Take our Grief Quiz and learn more about the grieving process.

Hair Loss
How many hairs per day are normal to lose?
Test your knowledge of hair loss with this quiz!

Test your emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) with a quiz on the subject of happiness!

From clusters to stress-types of headaches, what's causing the pain? Find out now!

Heart Disease
Find out the truth about heart disease. This quiz may save your life.

Heart Failure
Who is at risk for heart failure? Take this quiz now!

What is the treatment for hemophilia? Find out with this quiz!

Could you have hemorrhoids? Take the quiz to find out who gets hemorrhoids and why.

Hepatitis C
Who is most likely to contract hepatitis C?

Hernia (Abdominal Hernia)
What does it mean to have a hernia?

High Blood Pressure (HBP, Hypertension)
Exactly why is hypertension so dangerous? Test your heart smart IQ!

Do you know how long it takes HIV to cause AIDS? Test your knowledge of HIV/AIDS right now!

Human Body
Where is your hyoid bone? See how well know your own body.

Take this quiz to find out how much water you really need.

Medically speaking, what does it really mean to be infertile?
Learn about infertility with this quiz!

What's the best room temperature for ideal sleep?
Take the quiz to find out!

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Who is more likely to develop IBS? Learn more about IBS by taking this quiz!

Is It Contagious?
Is malaria contagious? What about shingles? Test your knowledge of contagious diseases!

Kidney Disease
If you have kidney disease, what types of food should you avoid?
Find out by taking the Kidney Disease Quiz!

Why do we laugh? Does it really have benefits?
Find out with the Laughter Quiz!

Leukemia is a ________ of the blood. What is it?
Find out with the Leukemia Quiz!

Liver Disease
Do you know what qualifies as liver disease? Find out now!
You might be surprised...

Low Testosterone (Low T)
Who develops low testosterone and why?
Take the quiz!

Lung Cancer
What are the symptoms of lung cancer?
Let's find out!

Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)
What are the symptoms of lupus? Test your medical IQ.

Lyme Disease
Do you know how Lyme disease is transmitted? Test your medical IQ.

How are memories stored in the brain?
Take the memory quiz!

What is meningitis and why should you be worried?
Take our Meningitis Quiz!

A new phase and turning point in life, what is menopause?

Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome increases a person's risk of serious diseases.
Find out what they are.

What are the two components of metabolism?
Get to know metabolism with this quiz!

Is it a migraine or a headache? Learn the difference with this quiz!

How much time do most people spend indoors? Take this quiz to find out!

Where is MRSA most likely to live? Take this quiz and be in the know!

Multiple Myeloma
Are you at risk for multiple myeloma?
Take this quick quiz to find out!

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
What causes MS?
Take the quiz for quick facts about this debilitating condition.

Is narcolepsy a common disorder?
Test your IQ with this quiz!

How common is neutropenia?
Test your IQ.

Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Is NHL more common in older or younger people?
Test your IQ.

Opioid Dependence
What are opioids? Why are they dangerous?
Test your IQ.

Are you likely to develop osteoarthritis?
Test your joint health IQ!

What can you do to prevent osteoporosis?
Assess your osteoporosis and bone health IQ!

Ovarian Cancer
The majority of ovarian cancers are diagnosed late. True or False?
Find out with this quiz!

Is your pain all in your head? Maybe... Take the Pain Quiz to find out!

What lifestyle choices can cause pancreatitis? Take the Pancreatitis Quiz to find out!

Panic Attacks (Panic Disorder)
Are panic attacks real? Test your knowledge of this common mental health disorder.

Parkinson's Disease
Quiz yourself on the causes, symptoms, signs, and treatments for the disorder known as Parkinson's Disease.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
What are risk factors for pelvic inflammatory disease?
Learn more with this quiz

Is pneumonia caused by bacteria or viruses? Test your knowledge of this dangerous illness.

Poop: The Truth About Poop
Does the color of your poop mean anything?
Find out with this quiz!

Pregnancy Myths & Facts
Pregnancy is a delicate time for both mom and baby!
Separate the myths and facts with our Pregnancy Quiz!

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
Could you have PMDD? Test your IQ of the debilitating women's condition known as premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

How much protein do you need in your diet?
Take the quiz to find out!

Is psoriasis contagious?
Learn more about psoriasis with this quiz!

PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder)
True or False: PTSD can be prevented.
Take the mystery out of PTSD. Take the quiz!

Puberty In Girls
Hey girls! How well do you know your bodies? Take the quiz and find out!

Puppies & Dogs
What foods are dangerous for puppies and dogs?
Sit! Stay! Take the quiz!

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
When legs are restless, does it hurt?
Test your restless leg syndrome (RLS) IQ!

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
How is rheumatoid arthritis different from other forms of arthritis?
Test your rheumatoid arthritis IQ!

Is the ringworm rash caused by worms?
Take the quiz to find out!

What is the W.C. Fields nose?
Test your rosacea IQ!

What does it mean to have schizophrenia?
Check your mental health IQ.

Sex & Love: Impotence (Erectile Dysfunction, ED)
There is plenty to learn about ED. Challenge yourself to discover something new about this common condition!

Sex & Love: Infidelity (Cheating)
Beyond the boundaries of a relationship, who is more forgiving? Challenge your relationship IQ!

Sex & Love: Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Quiz yourself on STDs, uncommon STDs, and symptoms.

Sex & Love: What do you know?
The brain. The body. The bedroom. What do you know?

Test your awareness of this painful and contagious virus.

Skin: An Incredible Organ
How much do you know about the way your skin functions?

Skin: Skin Cancer (Melanoma)
Who is most likely to detect your skin cancer?
Take the Skin Cancer Quiz to find out!

Skin: Skin Conditions Pictures
Can you recognize these common skin diseases?

Skin: Summer Skin Hazards
Bites, burns and stings! Do you know how to stay safe this summer?

Sleep (Sleeping)
From poor habits to disorders, how well do you sleep?

Health risks to quitting: How much do you know?

Strep (Streptococcal) Throat Infection
Strep throat can cause serious complications.
Take the
quiz to find out why strep throat must be treated early!

Stress (Psychological, Emotional)
We would all love to eliminate stress from our lives, but is that even possible? Take the Stress Quiz!

Little-known things about stroke may save lives.
Please take the Stroke Quiz.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (Sudden Cardiac Death)
What happens in the body during sudden cardiac arrest?
What you learn in this quiz might save a life.

Sun Safety
Learn the causes, risks, and warning signs of sun damage with this quiz.

Sweating (Perspiration)
Why do we sweat?
Learn more about sweating and perspiration with this quiz!

Thyroid Diseases & Disorders
Haven't been feeling like yourself lately? Your thyroid could be to blame. Learn causes, symptoms, and treatments for thyroid diseases.

You have tinnitus. Now what?
Take the quiz to find out!

Trauma & First Aid
What things are essential for any first aid kit? Take this quiz to learn about first aid!

What are triglycerides? Take this quiz to learn more!

Tummy Trouble (Digestive Diseases and Disorders)
Do you really know why your tummy hurts? Test your IQ of digestive diseases and disorders!

Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis often goes hand-in-hand with another digestive disorder. What is it?

Urinary Incontinence
What are the different types of urinary incontinence?

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
Facts, signs, symptoms and treatments: Test your IQ of UTIs.

Uterine Fibroids
Who is at-risk for uterine fibroids?

Vaginal Health
When should you see a doctor?
Learn more about women's health with this quiz!

Vaginal Yeast Infection (Yeast Vaginitis)
What do recurrent vaginal yeast infections mean? Find out your yeast vaginitis IQ.

How effective is vasectomy for birth control?
Get the facts with this quiz!

Are vertigo and lightheadedness really the same sensation?
Get to know vertigo with this quiz!

Vitamins & Supplements: Vitamin D
So what's the big deal about vitamin D, anyway?
Know for sure with our friendly Vitamin D Quiz!

Vitamins & Supplements: What Do You Know?
How many essential vitamins do our bodies need?
Fortify your IQ with this quiz!

Weight Loss
What's the best way to lose weight for good? Take the quiz!

Weight Loss Surgery
Are you a candidate for weight loss surgery?

Zika Fever Quiz: Facts About Zika Infection
What are symptoms of Zika infection?
Get answers with this quiz!