
Toddlers: Child Development

Developmental Milestones for Toddlers 1-2 Years of Age

During this time, your child is becoming increasingly more mobile, and aware of himself and his surroundings. Her desire to explore new objects and people is also increasing. During this stage, your toddler will show greater independence, begin to show defiant behavior, recognize himself in pictures or a mirror, and imitate the behavior of others, especially adults and older children.

Your toddler will also be able to recognize names of familiar people and objects, form simple phrases and sentences, and follow simple instructions and directions.

For more information on developmental milestones and warning signs of possible developmental delays, visit Learn the Signs. Act Early.

Positive Parenting of Toddlers 1-2 Years of Age

  • Keep reading to your toddler daily.

  • Ask her to find objects for you or name body parts and objects.

  • Play matching games with your toddler.

  • Encourage him to explore and try new things.

  • Help to develop your toddler's language by talking with her.

  • Encourage your toddler's curiosity and ability to recognize common objects by taking field trips together to the park or a bus ride.

Child Safety First (Toddlers 1-2 Years of Age)

As your child is becoming increasingly mobile, his ability to encounter more dangers is increasing as well. Here are a few recommendations to help keep your growing toddler safe.

  • Block off stairs with a small gate or fence. Lock doors to dangerous places such as the garage or basement.

  • Toddler proof your home by placing plug covers on all unused electrical outlets.

  • Keep kitchen appliances, irons, and heaters from the reach of your toddler. Turn pot handles toward the back of the stove.

  • Keep sharp objects such as scissors and pens in a safe place.

  • Lock up medicines, household cleaners and poisons.

  • Never leave her alone in the car, even for a few moments.

  • Store any guns in a safe place out of his reach.

Developmental Milestones for Toddlers 2-3 Years of Age

Because of your child's growing desire to assert her independence, this stage is often called the "terrible twos." However, this can be an exciting time for you and your toddler. He will experience huge intellectual, social, and emotional changes that will help him to explore his new world, and make sense of it.

During this stage, your toddler will be able to follow two- or three-phrase commands, sort objects by shape and color, imitate the actions of adults and playmates, and express a wide range of emotions.

For more information on developmental milestones and warning signs of possible developmental delays, visit Learn the Signs. Act Early.

Positive Parenting of Toddlers 2-3 Years of Age

  • Set up a special time to read books with your toddler.

  • Encourage your child to engage in pretend play.

  • Play parade or follow the leader with your toddler.

  • Help your child to explore her surroundings by taking her on a walk or wagon ride.

  • Encourage your child to tell you his name and age.

  • Teach your child simple songs like Itsy Bitsy Spider, or other cultural childhood rhymes.

Child Safety First (Toddlers 2-3 Years of Age)

Encourage your toddler to sit when eating and to chew her food thoroughly.

  • Check toys often for loose or broken parts.

  • Encourage your toddler not to put pencils or crayons in his mouth when coloring or drawing.

  • Never leave your toddler near or around water (that is, bathtubs, pools, ponds, lakes, whirlpools, or the ocean) without someone watching her.

  • Never drink hot objects while your child is sitting on your lap. Sudden movements can cause a spill.