Parry-Romberg Syndrome
- What is and what causes Parry-Romberg syndrome?
- What are the signs and symptoms of Parry-Romberg syndrome?
- At what age does Parry-Romberg syndrome occur?
- Is there any treatment for Parry-Romberg syndrome?
- What is the prognosis for Parry-Romberg syndrome?
- What research is being done for Parry-Romberg syndrome?
What is and what causes Parry-Romberg syndrome?
Parry-Romberg syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by slowly progressive deterioration (atrophy) of the skin and soft tissues of half of the face (hemifacial atrophy), usually the left side. It is more common in females than in males.
What are the signs and symptoms of Parry-Romberg syndrome?
Initial facial changes usually involve the tissues above the upper jaw (maxilla) or between the nose and the upper corner of the lip (nasolabial fold) and subsequently progress to the angle of the mouth, areas around the eye, the brow, the ear, and the neck. The deterioration may also affect the tongue, the soft and fleshy part of the roof of the mouth, and the gums. The eye and cheek of the affected side may become sunken and facial hair may turn white and fall out (alopecia). In addition, the skin overlying affected areas may become darkly pigmented (hyperpigmentation) with, in some cases, areas of hyperpigmentation and patches of unpigmented skin (vitiligo). Parry-Romberg syndrome is also accompanied by neurological abnormalities including seizures and episodes of severe facial pain (trigeminal neuralgia).
At what age does Parry-Romberg syndrome occur?
The onset of the disease usually begins between the ages of 5 and 15 years. The progression of the atrophy often lasts from 2 to 10 years, and then the process seems to enter a stable phase. Muscles in the face may atrophy and there may be bone loss in the facial bones. Problems with the retina and optic nerve may occur when the disease surrounds the eye.
Is there any treatment for Parry-Romberg syndrome?
There is no cure and there are no treatments that can stop the progression of Parry-Romberg syndrome. Reconstructive or microvascular surgery may be needed to repair wasted tissue. The timing of surgical intervention is generally agreed to be the best following exhaustion of the disease course and completion of facial growth. Most surgeons will recommend a waiting period of one or two years before proceeding with reconstruction. Muscle or bone grafts may also be helpful. Other treatment is symptomatic and supportive.
What is the prognosis for Parry-Romberg syndrome?
The prognosis for individuals with Parry-Romberg syndrome varies. In some cases, the atrophy ends before the entire face is affected. In mild cases, the disorder usually causes no disability other than cosmetic effects.
What research is being done for Parry-Romberg syndrome?
The NINDS supports research on neurological disorders such as Parry-Romberg syndrome with the goal of finding ways to prevent, treat, and cure them.
NIH Patient Recruitment for Parry-Romberg Clinical Trials
- At NIH Clinical Center
- Throughout the U.S. and Worldwide
- NINDS Clinical Research Collaboration Trials
TNA -- Facial Pain Association (formerly the Trigeminal Neuralgia
408 W. University Avenue
Suite 602
Gainesville, FL 32601
[email protected]
Tel: 352-384-3600 800-923-3608
Fax: 352-331-3606
Epilepsy Foundation
8301 Professional Place
Landover, MD 20785-7223
[email protected]
Tel: 301-459-3700 800-EFA-1000 (332-1000)
Fax: 301-577-2684
March of Dimes
1275 Mamaroneck Avenue
White Plains, NY 10605
[email protected]
Tel: 914-997-4488 888-MODIMES (663-4637)
Fax: 914-428-8203
National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)
P.O. Box 1968
(55 Kenosia Avenue)
Danbury, CT 06813-1968
[email protected]
Tel: 203-744-0100 Voice Mail 800-999-NORD (6673)
Fax: 203-798-2291