

Byetta - General Information

Byetta, derived from a compound found in the saliva of the Gila monster, a large lizard native to the southwestern US, is a functional analog of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1), a naturally occuring peptide.


Pharmacology of Byetta

Byetta is an incretin mimetic, which has glucoregulatory effects. While it is has blood-sugar lowering actions alone, it can also be combined with other medications such as pioglitazone, metformin, sulfonylureas, and/or insulin to improve glucose control. The approved use of exenatide is with either sulfonylureas, metformin and thiazolinediones. The medication is injected twice per day using a pre-filled pen device. Typical human responses to exenatide plus eating include improvements in the initial rapid release of endogenous insulin, suppression of glucagon release by the pancreas, regulation of gastric empyting and reduced appetite; all behaviors more typical of individuals without blood sugar control problems. Byetta is self-regulating in that in lowers blood sugar when levels are elevated but does not continue to lower blood sugar when levels return to normal, unlike with sulfonylureas or insulins.


Byetta for patients

Patients should be informed of the potential risks of BYETTA. Patients should also be fully informed about self-management practices, including the importance of proper storage of BYETTA, injection technique, timing of dosage of BYETTA as well as concomitant oral drugs, adherence to meal planning, regular physical activity, periodic blood glucose monitoring and HbA1c testing, recognition and management of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, and assessment for diabetes complications.

Patients should be advised to inform their physicians if they are pregnant or intend to become pregnant.

Each dose of BYETTA should be administered as a SC injection in the thigh, abdomen, or upper arm at any time within the 60-minute period before the morning and evening meals (or before the two main meals of the day, approximately 6 hours or more apart). BYETTA should notbe administered after a meal. If a dose is missed, the treatment regimen should be resumed as prescribed with the next scheduled dose.

The risk of hypoglycemia is increased when BYETTA is used in combination with an agent that induces hypoglycemia, such as a sulfonylurea. The symptoms, treatment, and conditions that predispose development of hypoglycemia should be explained to the patient. While the patient's usual instructions for hypoglycemia management do not need to be changed, these instructions should be reviewed and reinforced when initiating BYETTA therapy, particularly when concomitantly administered with a sulfonylurea.

Patients should be advised that treatment with BYETTA may result in a reduction in appetite, food intake, and/or body weight, and that there is no need to modify the dosing regimen due to such effects. Treatment with BYETTA may also result in nausea, particularly upon initiation of therapy.

The patient should read the "Information for the Patient" insert and the Pen User Manual before starting BYETTA therapy and review them each time the prescription is refilled. The patient should be instructed on proper use and storage of the pen, emphasizing how and when to set up a new pen and noting that only one setup step is necessary at initial use. The patient should be advised not to share the pen and needles.

Patients should be informed that pen needles are not included with the pen and must be purchased separately. Patients should be advised which needle length and gauge should be used.


Byetta Interactions


Byetta Contraindications


Additional information about Byetta

Byetta Indication: Indicated as adjunctive therapy to improve glycemic control in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus who are taking metformin, a sulfonylurea, or a combination of both, but have not achieved adequate glycemic control.
Mechanism Of Action: Byetta is a functional analog of the human incretin Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1). Incretins enhance glucose-dependent insulin secretion and exhibit other antihyperglycemic actions following their release into the circulation from the gut. The GLP-1 system increases insulin secretion only in the presence of elevated plasma glucose levels, avoiding inappropriately high insulin levels during fasting. The drug also moderates peak serum glucagon levels during hyperglycemic periods following meals, but does not interfere with glucagon release in response to hypoglycemia. Secondary effects of drug administration reduces the rate of gastric emptying and decreases food intake, mitigating the potential severity of hyperglycemic events after meals.
Drug Interactions: Not Available
Food Interactions: Not Available
Generic Name: Exenatide
Synonyms: AC2993; Synthetic exendin-4
Drug Category: Not Available
Drug Type: Biotech; Approved; Investigational

Other Brand Names containing Exenatide: Byetta (Amylin/Eli Lilly); Byetta;
Absorption: Following subcutaneous administration to patients with type 2 diabetes, exenatide reaches median peak plasma concentrations in 2.1 hours.
Toxicity (Overdose): Effects of the overdoses included severe nausea, severe vomiting, and rapidly declining blood glucose concentrations.
Protein Binding: Not Available
Biotransformation: Not Available
Half Life: Mean terminal half-life is 2.4 hours.
Dosage Forms of Byetta: Solution Subcutaneous
Chemical IUPAC Name: Not Available
Chemical Formula: C184H282N50O60S
Exenatide on Wikipedia:
Organisms Affected: Humans and other mammals