Norm of Ophthalmodynamometry
No difference in pressure of both eyes.
Usage of Ophthalmodynamometry
Carotid occlusive disease, extracranial vascular disease, and transient ischemic attacks.
Description of Ophthalmodynamometry
Compares the retinal artery pressures in both eyes in the supine and upright positions. A decrease in retinal arterial pressure with a normal brachial pressure when the client moves from a supine position to an upright position indicates carotid occlusive disease.
Professional Considerations of Ophthalmodynamometry
Consent form NOT required.
Corneal abrasion.
In thrombocytopenia and for clients receiving anticoagulants.
- Obtain an ophthalmoscope, a blood pressure cuff, a stethoscope, and a sphygmomanometer.
- The ophthalmoscope is pressed gradually against the eye to measure arterial systolic pressure and diastolic pressures in supine and upright positions.
- Brachial blood pressures are also measured in the arm.
Postprocedure Care
- Assess for ocular photophobia or pain, which may indicate corneal abrasion.
Client and Family Teaching
- Results are normally available within 24 hours, with interpretation to follow.
Factors That Affect Results
- Constant blinking, nystagmus, and poor cooperation.
Other Data
- The oculoplethysmography test is the preferred test when one is evaluating carotid arteries when compared to the ophthalmodynamometry test.
- A 20% difference in diastolic pressure between eyes is suggestive of insufficient carotid artery flow on the side with the lower finding.
- See also Oculoplethysmography (OPG).