
Trousseau’s Sign

Trousseau’s Sign

Trousseau described the signs and symptoms of tetany, including anesthesia, paresthesia, the main d’accoucheur posture, as well as noting that the latter could be reproduced by applying a bandage or inflating a cuff around the arm so as to impede circulation; the latter is now known as Trousseau’s sign, and indicates latent tetany.
Trousseau also noted the concurrence of venous thrombosis and migrating thrombophlebitis with malignant disease, also referred to as Trousseau’s sign; this may present with cerebral venous thrombosis.



Pearce JMS. Armand Trousseau, physician and neurologist. In: Pearce JMS. Fragments of neurological history. London: Imperial College Press, 2003: 528-547


Cross References

Achromatopsia; Chvostek’s sign; Main d’accoucheur