Orofacial Dyspraxia
Orofacial Dyspraxia
Orofacial dyspraxia, or buccofacial dyspraxia, is an inability to make voluntary, learned, movements with the orofacial musculature, such as blowing out a match, kissing, licking the lips.
Recognized causes of orofacial dyspraxia include:
- Transient accompaniment of Broca’s aphasia, conduction apha- sia, and transcortical motor aphasia of cerebrovascular origin
- Trauma to pre-Rolandic area just above the Sylvian fissure
- In some patients with primary progressive aphasia; a related but distinct condition of "progressive loss of speech output with oro- facial dyspraxia" has also been described.
Clinical and imaging studies show a strong correlation between orofacial dyspraxia and lesions in the frontal operculum; it may also occur with subcortical lesions involving periventricular and/or peristriatal white matter as well as the basal ganglia.
Tyrrell PJ, Kartsounis LD, Frackowiak RSJ, Findley LJ, Rossor MN. Progressive loss of speech output and orofacial dyspraxia associated with frontal lobe hypometabolism. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgeryand Psychiatry 1991; 54: 351-357
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