
Intermanual Conflict

Intermanual Conflict

Intermanual conflict is a behavior exhibited by an alien hand (le mainétranger) in which it reaches across involuntarily to interfere with the voluntary activities of the contralateral (normal) hand. Diagonistic dyspraxia probably refers to the same phenomenon. The hand acts at cross purposes to the other following voluntary activity. A "compulsive grasping hand" syndrome has been described which may be related to intermanual conflict, the difference being grasping of the contralateral hand in response to voluntary movement. Intermanual conflict is more characteristic of the callosal, rather than the frontal, subtype of anterior or motor alien hand. It is most often seen in patients with corticobasal degeneration, but may also occur in association with callosal infarcts or tumors or following callosotomy. 

Cross References

Alien hand, alien limb; "Compulsive grasping hand"; Diagonistic dyspraxia