
Geste Antagoniste

Geste Antagoniste

Geste antagoniste is a sensory "trick" which alleviates, and is characteristic of, dystonia. Geste antagoniste consists of a tactile or proprioceptive stimulus, which is learned by the patient, which reduces or eliminates the dystonic posture. For example, touching the chin, face or neck may overcome torticollis (cervical dystonia), and singing may inhibit blepharospasm. Gestes may also modify tremor. They are almost ubiquitous in sufferers of cervical dystonia and have remarkable efficacy.
The mechanism is unknown: although afferent feedback from the periphery may be relevant, it is also possible that concurrent motor output to generate the trick movement may be the key element, in which case the term "sensory trick" is a misnomer.



Filipovic SR, Jahanshahi M, Viswanathan R, Heywood P, Bhatia KP, Rogers D. Clinical features of the geste antagoniste in cervical dystonia. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2002; 73: 215 (abstract 10)

Cross References

Dystonia; Torticollis