
"Closing-in" Sign

"Closing-in" Sign

Copying of drawings that are close to or superimposed on the original has been referred to as the "closing-in" sign. It may be seen in patients with Alzheimer’s disease with deficits in visuospatial function. This has sometimes been characterized as one aspect of the "constructional apraxia" of Alzheimer’s disease; it may be useful in differentiating AD from subcortical vascular dementia.



Kwak YT. "Closing-in" phenomenon in Alzheimer’s disease and subcortical vascular dementia. European Journal of Neurology 2004; 11(suppl2): 47 (P1037)
Mayer-Gross W. Some observations on apraxia. Proceedings of theRoyal Society of Medicine 1935; 28: 1203-1212