
Blind Spot

Blind Spot

The blind spot is defined anatomically as the point on the retina at which axons from the retinal ganglion cells enter the optic nerve; since this area is devoid of photoreceptors there is a physiological blind spot. This area may be mapped clinically by confrontation with the examiner’s blind spot, or mechanically. Enlargement of the blind spot (peripapillary scotoma) is observed with raised intracranial pressure causing papilledema: this may be helpful in differentiating papilledema from other causes of disc swelling, such as optic neuritis, in which a central scotoma is the most common field defect. Enlargement of the blind spot may also be a feature of peripapillary retinal disorders including big blind spot syndrome.


Cross References

Disc swelling; Papilledema; Scotoma