
Ataxic Hemiparesis

Ataxic Hemiparesis

Ataxic hemiparesis is a syndrome of ipsilateral hemiataxia and hemiparesis, the latter affecting the leg more severely than the arm (crural paresis). There may be additional dysarthria, nystagmus, paresthesia and pain.
This syndrome is caused by lacunar (small deep) infarction in the contralateral basis pons at the junction of the upper third and lower two-thirds. It may also be seen with infarcts in the contralateral thalamocapsular region, posterior limb of the internal capsule (anterior choroidal artery syndrome), red nucleus, and the paracentral region (anterior cerebral artery territory). Sensory loss is an indicator of capsular involvement; pain in the absence of other sensory features of thalamic involvement.



Bogousslavsky J, Regli F, Ghika J, Feldmeyer JJ. Painful ataxic hemiparesis. Archives of Neurology 1984; 41: 892-893
Fisher CM. Ataxic hemiparesis. A pathologic study. Archives ofNeurology 1978; 35: 126-128
Gorman MJ, Dafer R, Levine SR. Ataxic hemiparesis: critical appraisal of a lacunar syndrome. Stroke 1998; 29: 2549-2555


Cross References

Ataxia; Hemiataxia; Hemiparesis; Pseudochoreoathetosis