Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery Clinic
Please find the diseases, their diagnosis and treatment performed by medical professionals using advanced medical equipment in the "Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery Clinic".
Diseases, diagnoses and symptoms
Systems and organs:
Instrumental and laboratory diagnostics
Diagnostic types:
Non-surgical and surgical treatment
Treatment types:
- Non-surgical treatment
- Medication
- Nerve blocks and trigger point injection
- Physiotherapy
- Reflexotherapy (acupuncture)
- Spinal traction
- Medical exercise therapy, occupational therapy
- Yoga
- Massage therapy
- Chiropractic, osteopathy
- Visceral manipulation
- Rehabilitation
- Psychotherapy
- Homeopathy
- Drug index A to Z
- Drugs reference
- Drug classification and categories
- Surgical treatment
Attention! If necessary, call a doctor (acute pain, trauma, non-transportable patient) by phone: +995 (557) 40–30–53